I’m on Windows 11. In ART 1.21.3 I’m new to ART, after RT.
I’m in Local Editing/Color/Tone Correction.
When I try to open the tonecurve.ctl (that I got from agriggio-art-ctlscripts-908c811bea36) in the Mode-LUT file box - ART wont read that file, (I get ‘error reading file’) & no curve appears. If I try to open colormix.ctl, or others, they open OK & I get sliders etc shown above the mask tab. Am I doing something wrong? or… Please help, Thanks.
Check that you have this file noted (ie the artlib file) …maybe this is your issue??
Hi, you need 1.24(.1), from Releases · agriggio/ART-releases · GitHub
Hi. Thanks. That sorted it. And a quick response. Thanks for your ART prog. I appreciate the work you must have done to make it. Ch.