Exercise in haze removal

220531_Hallstatt-22.RAF.xmp (13.4 KB)

Thanks, my favourite so far. I must admit I hadn’t notice the blue cast, I’ve had another go, correcting it with colour calibration.

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A lovely photograph. A quick play in GIMP.


220531_Hallstatt-22.RAF.xmp (10.9 KB)


My try with dt 3.8.1.

220531_Hallstatt-22.RAF.xmp (6.8 KB)

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My version with dt 3.9.0+1744~gebe766dba

220531_Hallstatt-22_01.RAF.xmp (23.3 KB)

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Tried to dehaze using colours and not local contrast because I like the background to stay behind and the foreground to stand out.
Added a small blur on the lake, not sure it’s a good idea !

dt 3.9

220531_Hallstatt-22.RAF.xmp (27.7 KB)

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Some great interpretations here, thanks all.

I like the view, looks like it was a nice vacation

220531_Hallstatt-22.RAF.xmp (23.6 KB)

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Looks very calm. Tried a bit of everything.

220531_Hallstatt-22-1.jpg.out.pp3 (11.6 KB)

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There is haze but there is more cast-haze than detail-haze. Modern haze removal processing should leave room for haze recovery because a haze-free image is unnatural. Comes with the fact that farther objects should not be sharper (have higher optical resolution) than closer ones.

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Just a question… Is this the Hallstatt which gave it’s name to the first Celtic culture?

220531_Hallstatt-22-1.jpg.out.pp3 (14,4 KB)

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Good question! It’s a period in our history which fascinates me, but I don’t know the answer for sure without referring to the internet. The answer, I understand, is “yes”, although whether it is the first “Celtic” culture is up for debate, again, I think. I am not an expert, being a career scientist, not a historian.

You’ve alluded to a period in Europe’s history, including the UK’s (where I am) history, which was cut all too short by the spread of the Roman empire. Some of the craftsmanship demonstrated by those (pre-Roman) people was (and remains) astonishing. As an example of what was, perhaps, lost, have a look at the [[Snettisham Hoard - Wikipedia](https://Snettisham hoard)](https://Snettisham hoard).

That is very , very nice, thanks.

If I am not mistaken it was in Austria. But this does not seem to be an easy/comfortable place to live with those steep mountains.

I went to Victoria & Albert for the Stonehenge special the other day (was not about Stonehenge, but the time of). The hoard you mentioned is definitely Celtic (the torcs are the giveaways) and of a much later date than Hallstatt. Thanks for replying!

On topic again. Which one of the “developments” matches what you saw colour wise (white balance etc)?

I guess the Celts were drawn by the salt deposits (clue in the name of the place). As were the Romans and everyone else who came after.

On topic again. Which one of the “developments” matches what you saw colour wise (white balance etc)?

I think the one by @age. From memory, and this picture was taken about a month ago, the pale grey church tower and greenish hue in the water are spot on.

My try with DT 3.9

220531_Hallstatt-22.RAF.xmp (13.3 KB)

Thanks for posting
darktable 3.8.1

220531_Hallstatt-22_05.RAF.xmp (8.3 KB)


The monochrome really works for me. Thanks.

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