Is it possible to get RawTherapee to display what lens was used to take a given shot?
My Panasonic G7 is putting it in the file (verified via an online reader), but RawTherapee doesn’t display it. It would be nice to be able to tell, because some times I loose track of what lens I used for a given shot.
Have you checked the meta tab? It is furthest tab to the right on the tools pallet.
Yea, I’ve checked its not listed on the meta tab.
The online tool I used was this.
based on this article about it, it’s using this perl module.
if I had to make a wild guess, what I’m looking for is this:
Tag ID: 0x0051
Tag Name: LensType
Writable: string
is this something I should open a github issue for?
I’ve always had good luck with exiftool. You could write a script to copy the lens type to the field where rawtherapee is expecting to see it.
Edit: Didn’t see your second post, yes that looks like the tag.
From Rawpedia: Basic Exif information is directly visible. Extended Exif information and so-called makernote data is organized into a tree. Click on the arrow at the very left of the desired sub-tree and you’ll see its contents.
Press “i” when in the Editor tab. If the camera model is there but the lens info is missing, upload a sample raw file using
Hi Morgan,
Here is a sample file.
I’m not sure if it matters, but i’m running the latest firmware.
Anything I can do to help with this?
The lens name is only available in the makernotes of that lens:
-MakerNotes:LensType=OLYMPUS M.60mm F2.8 Macro
RawTherapee seems to have an entry for it:
rtexif/ lenses["00 12 10"] = "Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 60mm f/2.8 Macro";
Morgan, this happens with all the lenses I currently own for this camera.
Panasonic Lumix G 25mm F1.7 ASPH
Panasonic Lumix G Vario 14-42mm F3.5-5.6 II ASPH Mega OIS (the kit lens)