Export in Natron

Lemon Term:

The problem occurs with the way H264 compression algorithm is designed. To encode, h264/5 uses b and p frames. Suppose a 1 second shot of 30 fps has 30 frames. h264/5 will pack similar pixels of some forward frames (B frames) like frame no 2 and 3 in frame no 1 to compress the size. Also it uses no 3 and 4 to compress similar pixel in no 5 frame (p frame). Then blend them all together to create final frames. (less frames in packets)
That’s how it’s smaller in size.

Also to decode it uses again these algorithm for which CPU needs more power and time just to decode and extract those frames again.

Now this is the problem. First the decoder needs to go back and forth to decode these frame. Secondly, we need to capture the frames almost in real time and send them to memory. Waiting for this B and P frame to process will kill the header to scrub and for compositing will create a latency. This latency will record in the memory. That’s why we will have frame jumps. Which will also halt other nodes in latency. This will become a problem for trackers and roto. As they will miss some frame in screen pixels. So the roto and tracker will be inaccurate.

In VFX and editing, if the farm wants to (usually and for sure never) use h264/5 as input, they can use Intra frames. It’s easy to do in ffmpeg using arguments: -bf 0 and -g 1. Which ensure h264 will not use b and p frames. But h264 decoder will run the cpu processing anyway and although we will have all frames in memory, the ammount of processing power needed for decoding just the video is not even close to effective.

Usually in editing Intermediate format like proress or dnxHD or QTL is used. Because they don’t use any aggressive frame binding rather packs bunch of still images in a container with quality loss or no loss.

Usually for vfx image sequences (PNG/TIFF/TGA/EXR) or above Intermediate format are used because it’s simple to decode and send to memory immediately. And better for tracker and roto as well.

I think we can create a transcoder node with ffmpeg and pyside to transcode them directly from natron for Non GUI folks.

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Also the most complete GUI tool for ffmpeg

  1. Shotcut (Win/OSX/LNX)
  2. Kdenlive (Win/LNX) MAC is not good
  3. ffMultiConvert (LNX)
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So if you want examples of how to use the tools you mentioned let me know and I’ll screen capture shots on how to do it.

The basic code for Natron to request FFMpeg execution for image transcoding is simple enough but should it be encapsulated in a node or should it be a Menu wizard script? Verified Natron script code below.

import os
import subprocess
subprocess.call([‘ffmpeg’, ‘-i’, ‘test.mov’, ‘image%d.jpg’])

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Should this be a seperate node, or should the read node have an option to transcode to image sequence (maybe even by default) in a subfolder adjacent to the original file?
The former might/should/could make the read-node complain about non-image sequences. The latter would need a logic inside the read node to opt for the image sequence once one is there.

I think that the best solution is a wizard from the main menu. It would avoid any confusion with existing nodes and is the way other programs like Kadenlive do it. Creating it as a separate node or a menu wizard also removes it from the intended functionality of the read node IMO. I’m open to any ideas though.

I haven’t tried coding a script with pop up windows yet in Natron but from the docs it looks possible.

Programming question: How do I write the code for the on click event for the buttons?

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Programming question: How do I write the code for the on click event for the buttons?

You can see the audio_vlc.py line 13-16 & 166-171 (linking)
You will need a your_main_filenameExt.py for external execution
see Audio_VLCExt.pyfor the implementation. line 54- 99

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Should be a seperate node or python menu. read node is hard to crack.

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@cgvirus @tmorley I’ve started responding to some of the questions @devernay asked. For the moment I’m doing this here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YY9wSg5_nPCdIwGz7_r8cuhO1ZXOV6TODQQdcixEkjo/edit?usp=sharing I’ll move to markdown at some point.

There’s some questions I don’t know the answer to, like which format to use for 10/12 bit input and there’s no doubt more that needs to be added to the ffmpeg commands.

Also if anyone knows Windows and Mac software and can write about it please do!

Any input would be great

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Thanks for setting up the document,
Made some edits, also Linux user, I guess on Mac its possible to use Quicktime.
I’ll ask in the discord channel…

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@devernay: should we add this directly to the docs on github with a pull request?
btw. are the docs on github?

or shall we finish it and let you do the boring work… (we need your time for more important stuff :slight_smile: than the docs…)

Here is ours:

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The documentation is on Github Natron/Documentation at v2.3.15 · NatronGitHub/Natron · GitHub

The only reason I started it in a Google doc is 'cause I don’t know how write it in RST yet.

btw should we move this discussion about documentation here? Documentation: please help write the docs! - #31 by devernay

I think this is great. I’m not sure if there will be a consensus on each step (haven’t seen the google doc yet), but if @magdesign and @cgvirus could have the same sections, maybe with different options for each section, that would be nice.
Any format is OK, and using google docs for collaboration is nice. I can make the conversion to RST when it’s finished or almost finished. Also tell me where do you think it would fit in the doc.

RST is not that difficult, take a look at the source for this tutorial for example:

So you see how to make references to plugins in the RST, insert images, set the section headings, etc.

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I can’t see the google doc. May be it is restricted?

@hellocatfood: can you please allow cgvirus to edit the doc!

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Hi folks. I have updated the doc with my input. Feel free to check them.

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