False color Canon CR3 file (ART 1.8.2)


I have a Canon R5.

if I open the raw file get wrong colors. Does anybody know the reason and how I can prevent this?

Kind Regards,

can you share the raw? Thanks!

Oh wow that is strange – I downloaded a few of these new Canon cr3 files from dpreview, there were also 4 files taken with the R5 and while they were ok with ART 1.7, now that I’ve tried to open them again in 1.8.2 they also turn all purple like the example above from @peleme).

edit: I’ll also point out that the same issue appears on R6 raw files while EOS R and EOS RP (lucky me…) are ok.

@agriggio you can grab any of the cr3 from here: Canon EOS R5 sample gallery: from the mountains to the sound: Digital Photography Review

But anyway I’ll also put here one of these cr3 for your convenience:

012A0747.CR3 (54.1 MB)

@aadm Your cr3 link is an mp4. You have to rename to cr3

Info for Alberto: RT-5.8-2826 dev opens well this cr3, but we know that it still doesn’t show exif data

ehm, nope, I just checked, it’s the .cr3 file I meant to send, I don’t know why you get an mp4???

Hmm… works for me here with the current master:

I’ll try to downgrade to 1.8.2 and check there as well

works fine also on 1.8.2…

wow I don’t know what to say then… I got ART 1.8.2 directly from here:


and as per your instructions, I simply unzipped the folder and start ART from there.

Since it works just fine for my EOS RP files I’m not too bothered, perhaps @peleme above will look a bit more into it…

Perhaps you have a too old version of exiftool? Can you try updating that?

Yes! that was the problem!

On my Ubuntu 20.10 installation the latest exiftool available from offiicial repos is v12.05, what I did was download the most recent version (v12.22), unzipped and put the complete path in ART’s prefs.

And now no more purple colors in R5 and R6 raw files!

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If I download a cr3 file via Firefox it looks to be renaming it to an mp4 suffix, no idea why. This may be the source of the confusion.


It’s a bug in firefox with mime/types

Hi all,
you all are super fast. Thank you for investigating the issue. I installed manually the latest package for exiftool from the Ubuntu repositories for the upcoming release of Ubuntu.

Now it works as suggested.
