Fedora downloads suggestions

I do have RawTherapee installed but have two suggestions for the Fedora downloads page:

Can installation steps for Fedora 25 be added to http://rawtherapee.com/downloads? Looks like the Fedora 25 repos is available http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/rawtherapee/Fedora_25/home:rawtherapee.repo

Can installations steps for Fedora 24 and 25 be updated to use the new dnf command installed of yum?

EDIT: Tagging @Morgan_Hardwood

Thanks :smiley:

Hi @bostrt

Fedora 25/Korora 25 added.

I don’t use Fedora. What is dnf, why use it, and what needs to be changed?

dnf is fedoras new package manager, happened a few versions ago.

dnf was added in Fedora 18 but made the default pkg manager in 22. Here’s a few links so you don’t just have to take my word for it :wink:


While we’re discussing the downloads page, installation step #2 can be simplified to the following:

dnf config-manager --add-repo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:rawtherapee/Fedora_24/home:rawtherapee.repodnf config-manager --add-repo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:rawtherapee/Fedora_24/home:rawtherapee.repo
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Please paste the exact and complete command lines you’d like me to update the instructions to, so a user can copypasta and have a guaranteed RT ready for use.

Certainly! Here’s the full steps from the current downloads page that have been updated with dnf. It would probably be sufficient to update the Fedora 24 and 25 pages since Fedora 23 is EOL.

To install RawTherapee follow these simple steps:

1. Open the terminal

2. Paste this code into it:

   # sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:rawtherapee/Fedora_24/home:rawtherapee.repo

3. To install RawTherapee using Gtk+ 2:

   # sudo dnf install rawtherapee

or to install the Gtk3 version:

   # sudo dnf install rawtherapee-gtk3

RawTherapee should now be installed and ready for use.

Thank you. All Fedora platforms updated. You may want to double-check.

Looks great!