Feedback wanted about Rapid Photo Downloader

Thanks for your feedback Ariel. Judging by the screenshot I guess you’re using it to rename files that you’ve already downloaded and possibly edited. Is that correct? I mention that because it appears possible the date time metadata in some (many?) of your files is mangled. I suggest that because the Timeline should be dislaying correct time values, but it’s not.

Please note if you’re intending to use the program as a general purpose file renaming tool for files you’ve already worked on, you should probably be using another tool. See the FAQ, which I updated today: Rapid Photo Downloader: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Some observations:

You cannot use a forward slash in your filenames, just like you can’t have a filename of only a dot or two dots. Filename - Wikipedia

File a bug report with the log files and a description of the problem. Do note this FAQ entry, however: Rapid Photo Downloader: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you by it’s “broken”? Are you saying your photos have subsecond metadata but the program is not extracting them? I’ve updated the documentation to remove the reference to ‘00’ being added , which is a holdover from the legacy version, and no longer valid.

Not a chance, sorry. On the to do list is save presets as a download profiles.

An interesting idea. But what is the use case for it? Why would you need it?

Nope. See this discussion of how it works.

You can already create and save your own file renaming and subfolder preferences, which makes adding them to the combo boxes in the subfolder generation / file renaming editors redundant.

The program provides a variety of sequence numbers to generate unique filenames. Use them if you like, or not, it’s up to you.

Sorry I don’t understand what you mean here.

It’s a nice idea, but getting the metadata from which tool, ExifTool or libmediainfo? Which is more reliable?

Not a chance, because the metadata between photos and videos is different, and because historically, users have specifically requested they be different, including for backup destinations.

That seems complicated to implement in a GUI, and I’m not about to rewrite the existing name editors given the huge amount of work it was to write them as they currently exist. But more generally, I’m not aware of any GUI program that provides such a feature. Do you (or anyone else) know of one?

It’s an interesting idea for a future version. But actually implementing it in a GUI so that the majority of users are not confused strikes me as rather tricky, so I’m not sure at this point if it would ever be implemented.

More generally, given your use of conditional tags, which are far easier to configure using a non-GUI tool, my impression is that Rapid Photo Downloader is not the correct tool for your needs.

By “tags” I assume you mean metadata. Which metadata, precisely?