filmic, a personal view

OK … I see that you used ‘contrasted’ … I had faded
My error

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Thanks @anon41087856. Makes sense !

My try to get close to @anon41087856’s result, using just 2 modules in Rawtherapee (auto-matched curve, and color toning w/ color regions)

Edit: I also turned on local contrast and dehaze

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See the reddish oversaturation near blacks ? I wonder if the tree in the foreground is in-gamut.

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Yes I see… It’s a bit better here I think:

Now, can you match that ? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


No idea… I may try tomorrow… With just a laptop and a trackpad, it takes too much effort to try now.
I confess that your results are sweet!


Nice one!
I guess your edit is the result of filmic + something more, or is it just the filmic module? If not, for the sake of comparison, could you post the result of filmic alone?


I thin dehaze and local contrast are important to add some “clarity” to that foggy scene. I also used those in my Rawtherapee rendering (I forgot about it, I edited my first post).

It would be that, with exposure and filmic alone:

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@sguyader , please could you post your PP3, I’d like to see what you did.

Here you go:
20181109_Cahuzeres_221.NEF.pp3 (12.7 KB)

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Certainly it is a different view … but it would be an end direction that I would pursue or find interesting. But that is why creativity is such a personal thing and photography is simply one tool in our arsenal.

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As close as I could get with RawTherapee.

Phyweyland-Filmic-20181109_Cahuzeres_221.NEF.pp3 (10.8 KB)

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Not sure if this rendering adds to the late comparison on filmic tools, but here goes a PhotoFlow alternative version.
First I got rid of some of the “pissy” yellow (which I prefer to think of as Titan yellow) with White Balance.
Then applied dynamic range compression and new filmic.
At last, three tone curves to get the punch (I think I could do it with only one, but I got lazy…)

20181109_Cahuzeres_221.pfi (49.4 KB)


I would say … it is in fact a little better … well done

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You have strong haloing along the horizon line though, and lost the sunset red in the sky. It’s more on the green side.

Out of curiosity, I used this image to try out the following tutorial: Tone mapping using GIMP's 'Colors/Exposure'
I developed it first in RawTherapee and then followed the tutorial to see what sort of improvement it gave. The sky in the final GIMP version could be masked a bit more and the WB is probably too much on the cold side. I don’t think there are any out of gamut colours.

20181109_Cahuzeres_221-test-rt.jpg.pp3 (11.0 KB)


These are closer to the scene than the filmic ones while these last ones are sometime more appealing in the foreground.

For the sake of comparison here is the “natural” preset of SNS-HDR (not foss):

I’ve found than dt highlights reconstruction does a pretty good job on this image to restitute some red (clip highlights pushed to 2).


I wondered about the sky but was mainly interested in seeing how effective the technique in the tutorial was for the foreground. Based on this, I think I will continue to explore the possibilities.