All this talk about filmic: I drove by one yesterday in Toronto and thought of you all. No, I didn’t stop to explore: here is a photo from Google street view to prove it.
The irony is in the photos I pulled from the location. What do you see?
All this talk about filmic: I drove by one yesterday in Toronto and thought of you all. No, I didn’t stop to explore: here is a photo from Google street view to prove it.
The irony is in the photos I pulled from the location. What do you see?
I see dynamic range compression, of the bad haloy kind.
I am sure this is a trick question
But still…
My guess is that when you travel from 16, Filmic Lane
to 18, Filmic Lane, you really have to alter the
white relative exposure.
Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden
[I *can* come up with a less cryptic explanation, if called for. But that would presumably spoil the quest.]
Dynamic range compression
Indeed, all the images of the “condo” complex to the left have this evil aura.
@Claes is also correct that this area has drastically different architecture and moods, capturing daylight quite differently everywhere one looks.
@afre But not only that :-))))
I am a trifle surprised that noone else has
spotted it…
True lanes aren’t supposed to be noticeable. (This one does have a big sign.) I don’t remember the criteria for the lane designation. Nowadays, naming is loose and haphazard.
Ah, all right – here is the explanation:
Using Google Maps, go to street view 16 Filmic Lane, Toronto. The Mappers were there
in October 2020.,-79.3398736,3a,75y,332.02h,95.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sU3yfTGcMCiN7a43Xtb02UQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
Travel a trifle to the North, to 18 Filmic Lane – and there is snow in the streets — the Mappers were there in February 2018.,-79.3399757,3a,75y,332.02h,95.82t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sbctLg7a10mEqdiCC7HZSfg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
So naturally, our Filmic settings must be adjusted, right?
Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden
It makes sense that there is snow in the north. We had snow this month too.
Weird, only that section has snow and not so in the other directions.
Another oddity is that Filmic Ln forks. Google maps can’t reconcile that, so if one travels to Boston Ave, he or she can’t turn around and go back to Filmic Ln via Street View.
To complicate things even more, this new development plot fragmented Boston Ave. That is why you have Filmic Ln connecting the north side.
Speaking of snow… it is supposed to snow a bit overnight. April is supposed to be rain showers.
Toronto (or at least those in charge of naming streets) have fallen in love with naming lanes. All of these exist in Toronto:
I know someone who lived on Filmic Ln for a while, in one of the units at #16.
Oh there would be some shadows and highlights there…
@elGordo I vaguely recall the first two. I don’t remember there being the third. Neat.
Near Danforth and Dawes. There’s a St. Clair ice cream factory outlet at Danforth and Kelvin, which looks like it’s now gone out of business.