Filmic mid-tone saturation missing from quick-access panel?

I’m trying to add filmic’s mid-tone saturation slider to my quick access panel, but it does not appear in the list:

Is this a bug, or am I missing something?

Not answering your question but the default for this slider was set to zero. I think as it can create some color issues. Likely adding via RGB color balance which has been carefully crafted to handle color would be recommended…

I use that one as a quick edit to saturation before moving to the color balance rgb (maybe it is not the best practice). I also struggled to find the quick access too. It is the one called: Extreme luminance saturation. I’m not sure why it has a different name.

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Extreme luminance saturation was the name of the old slider. I believe the same parameter was renamed to mid-tones saturation in 2020. You can still see the old name if you change the color science version (on the options tab of the filmic module) to “v3 (2019)”.

So that might explain it - that they are one and the same but the QA panel is listing the wrong one.



Would it be useful if I open an issue about this?

Indeed, thanks for pointing it out.

Yes it would, thanks.

The conversation made me read some old threads around filmic again. Reading them now after using filmic for a while, it makes more sense how it works. But the more I read, the more I think we should avoid the extreme luminance saturation and should use the color balance rgb instead.



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