filmic rgb - win10 - DT 3.4.1 - bug?

On a more global note, it’s useless to post bugs here. Most devs don’t hangout here, it’s not adapted to issues tracking, and tagging me everywhere filmic is mentionned is only adding more spam in my inbox (especially since filmic has nothing to do with it).

Please use Github.

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especially since filmic has nothing to do with it

It’s seems to be the picker function. It effects also other modules.

If you have no copy of 3.4.0 - it’s hier, at the bottom: Release darktable 3.4.0 released · darktable-org/darktable · GitHub

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Is this bug regression only in the Windows version of 3.4.1? I am on Windows. I suppose this is something that will not be fixed until the next release scheduled for Christmas 2021?

I am pretty sure there will be some release earlier.

IMHO they should delete the Windows 3.4.1 ASAP, since it’s basically unusable. 3.4.0 should stay the current Windows version for now. A dt newcomer on Windows may come to the conclusion that dt is bug ridden and not return for years.

I will stick with 3.4.0 for the time being.


The problem is the chronic lack of devs/testers in Windows, so unfortunately the releases for that OS are more prone to undetected bugs.
Most of the issues with 3.4.0 and 3.4.1 have been already fixed in the 3.5 development relase, so you could use a nightly build or learn to build DT yourself, it’s not difficult. Remember to alway make a backup of database before upgrading.
And if someone wants to help with testing of new releases, that’s more than welcome.

When installing 3.5 it asks to agree to convert the DB. Does it use a different DB format? I didn’t see any improvements in 3.4.1 that effect me, I can use 3.4.0 for now (and still be happy).

The Windows specific crash with color picker has been reproduced and the issue found, thanks to Murtuza Chhil for the quick testing.


A windows only relaae has been made, grab it on github.


I am glad it got fixed to fast.

Direct download


There is a list of bug fixes. How do I find more detail about what has been fixed? In particular, I am interested in finding out more detail about what this means:

Fix Lr metadata import, this is done only if no other XMP present.

Thank you.

You may want to browse the commits:

Find the commit for this and if there is an issue linked looked at the discussion on this issue.

Thank you. I found it.

I think it would help if they would release Beta EXE versions for people to play with and report back. I believe the ‘build yourself’ is beyond many users capability, and some are too lazy (me).


Just releasing beta versions isn’t enough. You’d also need people capable of (and willing!) generating backtraces (for crashes) or using a debugger (for non-crashing bugs), if only to exclude bugs in libraries (including windows libraries).

A simple bug report is better than no report at all, or? At least somebody with the knowledge knows where to search.

The process to setup a build environment for windows ist well described and can be done by everyone who’s interested in improving the software.
It’s quite easy, if you’re too lazy to be active, you must be very patient in waiting for somebody doing things for you :wink:

And yet it didn’t happen. RawTherapee has easy to use DEVs, fully thumbdrive useable too.

Anyway, I keep the old dt version running anyway, so a bug ridden version isn’t a big issue for me.

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It doesn’t help to point to rawtherapee - their devs won’t provide a darktable nightly build for you :wink:
So if it’s that import to you, why don’t you provide a windows build? You’re free to do so … or just fix the ci environment for windows. Why should a dev using linux do this for you?

In this case it’s more complex that being able to build DT in Windows.
In fact, within my limited spare time, I collaborate with the dev team to test, bugfix and small developments. I have a full IDE setup for DT in both Windows and Linux. Still, I didn’t detect the critical bug, because it didn’t affect the master development version, but only the 3.4.1 and I simply didn’t think to perform regression tests there.
I guess releasing beta versions in .exe or .msi form could help to have a larger testing user base.