Cool, so when talking about filmic and its usability, or when trying to understand what users problems with filmic are, we can exclude those from the discussion. Would you agree on that? That of course also includes telling the user that they might want to use some other module depending on the content.
Here we are talking about correctly exposed hills and a very bright sky/clouds which may or may not be blown out (raw channel clipping).
well, even non-clipped highlights are only to a certain degree. I’ll try to explain further below.
So there needs to be at least one (or more) module(s) that specifically deals with dynamic range mapping. Filmic is designed to do that. Well it’s also designed to do a bit more, it also gives a certain look to the result → logarithmic mapping of scene to display, parametrically adjustable with desaturation of highlights and shadows to taste.
Well, this is already what many people would describe as a tone mapper, your third point.
It’s very interesting that you put tonemapping as your last/final point.
I’m not advocating for LUTs, don’t get me wrong. I’m more asking for the benefits of a parametrically adjustable tone- and gamut-mapping curve if all the advice regarding some usability-…err…hickups is, I’m paraphrasing “don’t touch the parameters!”. If people make/suggest luminance masks for a second instance of an exposure module before filmic, what they are effectively doing/suggesting is what a highlight-parameter-control inside of a tonemapping module could be doing, it’s not the same though! There is what I would call the scene-referred “reference image” and the tonemapped display-referred output. At least in an ACES-like pipeline concept. Not sure what darktables pipeline concept entails.
There seem to be different qualities of advice. This is especially problematic because depending on which thread about filmic you read, it is lauded for the control that it can exert, how futureproof it is, etc… But the different advice don’t seem to reflect that.
I think those very mixed messages need to be adressed in conjunction with what other people have contributed for future versions. Controlling (or wanting to control) the amount of tonemapping in a scene-to-display-mapping module IS something different than what ToneEQ (or exposure module instances and the like) does.
ToneEQ et. al. affect(s) the “reference image” which is scene-referred. Filmic affects the display-referred rendering of that reference image.
Tweaking Filmic is thus necessary when you have/want/need several different outputs like print/sRGB/AdobeRGB/ProPhoto/HDR. All of those display-referred formats/color-spaces need a different scene-to-display tone- and gamut-mapping. And in principle the output renderings could be handled by LUTs relegating the tweaking into scene referred space. I’m not saying that this is a good idea! I’m advocating for the parametric approach like in filmic, but for that there needs to be concise-control in the module AND communication about the issue(s). And there are Issues.
The answers “It’s a starting point”,“tweak in other modules!”, “don’t iteratively tweak!” feel like they are skirting the very specific usability challenges of filmic. And I wholeheartedly agree that those answers are also not wrong at all! This makes the discussion so nuanced.
I’m sure future iterations will mitigate some challenges the users have with filmic. I also feel that the knowledge what the darktable pipeline is and where to adjust what and where not to is at least as important.
Sorry for rambling.