Filmulator progress updates Nov 2024

It’s been quite a while since I’ve seriously done development on Filmulator (instead working on other open-source projects) but I’m back.

First I fixed a bug where whitepoints were not properly displayed in raw histograms (due to caching, this shouldn’t ever have impacted actual images).

Then I decided to finally add the noise reduction parameters to the database so that those can be saved.

Unfortunately, only I get the benefits of those right now.

Next I need to rebuild the continuous integration from the rubble to build and package it automatically. I might use qmake instead of cmake since it should make migrating to qt6 simpler, and I’ll probably use GitHub Actions this time. I may also try cross-compiling for Windows and if possible, Mac.

If anyone can assist me, I’d love the help. CI is my worst enemy for maintaining momentum and motivation. I just wanna keep adding features and improving the UI, not fighting remote virtual machines that disappear once the pipeline is run.


I can’t help, but want to express my delight that you are willing to pick this back up. Best of luck with it!

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