I’ve to admit in advance that I haven’t read the article’s details
how that algorithm is realized.
My observation is about generating an identity HCLUT.
This should simply be accomplished by taking a (lossless) image
with all colors different and its duplicate.
“Influence of Color Samples” shouldn’t have any effect,
as long as the CLUT Resoltion is large enough:
there will be no interpolation necessary as all colors are used.
(Make it 100% anyway).
So, why not take an identity Hald CLUT for the test,
say level 8 from https://im.snibgo.com/edithald.htm
Choose 64 as CLUT resolution.
My expectation:
Output should be identical to the input.
But the pointwise arith. difference counts 8 different colors occuring
(each color component +/-1).
In about kind of regular patterns for R und G channel,
and mostly in the bottom half for B channel.
Still the generated CLUT has same (full) color count as the input,
which means the colors have been “exchanged” (???).
A bug?
Rounding errors?
Wrong understanding/ expectation?
G’MIC v.3.3.2 PlugIn @ GIMP 2.10.32 @ Win7-64
Arithm. @ PSP7