Filter setting in fits header

I have been using Siril to stack my monochrome subs using scripts and get great results. I name the stacked layers according to the filter used, for example, HA_stacked.fits. Then I use Siril to register the stacked layers so they line up for further processing. The problem is that the registered files are named with numbers. For example, if I have my stacked files of HA_stacked, OIII_stacked, & SII_stacked, after conversion and registering I end up with r_seq_0000, r_seq_0001, & r_seq_0002. I would like a way to know which registered file was created from which stacked file. As it is I must compare them visually to make sure I match the right file with the right layer which is sometimes very hard to do. Thanks, Jay

Hi Jay, welcome
We agree that it could be automatised. Hopefully in future versions we will develop it.
Until then, the way to recognize your files is remembering in which order you converted them. If your operating system supports symbolic links, you can see which indexed file points to which original file too.