FITS from ZWO ASI585MC are opened by default without debayering

When I double click on a FITS file from the ZWO camera Siril open it without debayering and show a black and white image but this camera is a color model. I have to click on the Open button and check the debayer checkbox then open the image again and this time it is in color.
Here are the FITS header from a image of this camera:

SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS = 2 / number of data axes
NAXIS1 = 3840 / length of data axis 1
NAXIS2 = 2160 / length of data axis 2
EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions
COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in ‘Astronomy
COMMENT and Astrophysics’, volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A…376…359H
BZERO = 32768 / physical = BZERO + BSCALEarray_value
BSCALE = 1 / physical = BZERO + BSCALE
XBINNING= 1 / Binning factor in width
YBINNING= 1 / Binning factor in height
EXPOINUS= 32 / Exposure time in us
GAIN = 0 / The ratio of output / input
OFFSET = 3 / Brightness(offset) of image
STACKCNT= 50 / Stack frames
WB_RED = 50 / White Balance(Red)
WB_BLUE = 50 / White Balance(Blue)
CBLACK = 0 / Initial display black level in ADUs
CWHITE = 65535 / Initial display white level in ADUs
PEDESTAL= 0 / Correction to add for zero-based ADU
SWCREATE= 'ASILive ’ / Name of software that created the image
SWOWNER = 'ZWO ’ / Licensed owner of software
DATE-OBS= ‘2024-05-29T21:12:39.265’ / UTC start date of observation
DATE-STA= ‘2024-05-29T21:12:39.265’ / UTC start date of exposure
DATE-END= ‘2024-05-29T21:12:39.265’ / UTC end date of exposure
BAYERPAT= 'RGGB ’ / Debayer pattern,such as RGGB,BGGR,GRBG,GBRG
COLORTYP= 'RAW16 ’ / Color space, such as RAW8,RAW16,RGB24
INPUTFMT= 'FITS ’ / Format of file from which image was read
INSTRUME= ‘ZWO ASI585MC’ / Camera model
XPIXSZ = 2.9 / Pixel Width in um
YPIXSZ = 2.9 / Pixel Height in um
EXPOSURE= 3.2E-05 / Exposure time in seconds
EXPTIME = 0. / Total Exposure Time (s)
CCD-TEMP= 35.2 / CMOS sensor temperature in C

This the default behavior.
Siril will never debayer an image by default.

Thank you for the answer, I understand the idea in the general case but when opening a file from the desktop with a double clic it is not possible to check the debayer checkbox making this very cumbersome and frustrating. Maybe a configuration option could be added to decide if we want to debayer opened file by this way when there is no possibility to select the checkbox ?

Hello, I think the problem here is that you want to use Siril as a viewer, and that’s not its purpose.

Not only like a viewer there are many use case where I want to open a FITS file from varius directeories not easily accessible from the Siril file dialog, like external drives on MacOS, and do some processing on it, for example process a previously stacked FITS, doing plate solving, etc…

You can do a drag and drop

I didn’t think about drag and drop… I tried it but couldn’t make it work to open a FITS file, If I drag a file over the display area I could see a green + next to the mouse but when I drop the file nothing happend. How should this work ?

If I drag a file into the display area, it works for me.

Are you using MacOS like me ?

This is now fixed.

Thank you, this was quick !
But will it solve my initial issue if I’m not able to set the debayer checkbox ?

It will, dragging an image with the debayer checked will open the image demosaiced.

Hello @lock042 !

I tried to drag’n’drop a fit file over the main window, but it will open the file with debayering only if the checkbox was already checked previously using the file selector. So the issue remain the same, the first time when Siril is not yet launched we have to double click on a fit file, it’ll open it without debayering, then use the file selector, click on the debayer checkbox and load the file again…

Yes, I know. But don’t forget that Siril’s primary purpose is to work with RAW images. So it’s only to be expected that by default it opens CFA images.
So for me, this is not an issue.