FLIF - Free Lossless Image Format

This was being talked about in #gimp this morning, and I was wondering what some of everyone’s thoughts were around it technically? There was still some discussion happening around the licensing, but from a technical standpoint I know that a single image format being used for responsive image serving would be really neat (though likely to take forever to get implemented in any browsers…).



Fascinating… If it’s FOSS, Firefox will likely implement it fairly quickly. In the corporate word that could be a different matter, after all, my corporate mail application still doesn’t know that PNG is an image format :-1:

It’ll have to be relicenced to not-GPL before it gets any real use on the web, unless Javascript decoders somehow end up good enough.

It sounds interesting as a thumbnail format for a photo editing application, though it’d have to be implemented in Qt before Filmulator ever makes use of it.

Saw this at Slashdot and posted a few threads elsewhere. One of those threads mentioned that FLIF currently does not support meta-data (ie. EXIF, etc.). This is pretty important for many and will make this format a loosing proposition for many. PNGs, I do not believe, support meta-data either (though I could be wrong; pretty sure I’m not). :smile:

PNG supports inclusion of metadata.

Interesting! :slight_smile:

I’ve grown wary of statements like

The conclusion? FLIF beats anything else in all categories.

But it looks really interesting and there is very little doubt that improving on PNGs very basic predictor and coder is possible.

In practice it will be interesting to see how it performs on small images and sprite sheets as they are what loss less compression is primarily used for on the web. :smile:

Jon (author of FLIF) just posted at GIMPChat and added that EXIF support was added). :slight_smile:


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Did he ever get a GIMP plugin made for it?

I asked as a reply but so far he’s not replied to me, Pat. :slight_smile:

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