focus stacking on HDRmerge

Can I use HDRMerge for focus stacking?
anyone here already did it?

I don’t think that’s going to work. You can try GitHub - PetteriAimonen/focus-stack: Fast and easy focus stacking or GitHub - noah-peeters/ChimpStackr: free, multi-platform focus stacking software

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I am downloading and will try it. :wink:
also, 'm very glad to find the community and exchange with you guys!!!
looking forward to enhance my knowledge and contribute !!!

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Welcome! Hope you find this place useful.

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I tried it on Linux, it just doesn’t work. The last version is from 2022.

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I’ve downloaded Chimp Stackr. a bit slow to get ready and open.
didn’t try yet, but as far as I read reviews in forums and YouTube, it seems quite powerful and delivers a very clean result. Also, you can always export TIFF or JPEG and enhance on Rawtherapee afterwards.

I could open it, I could start it - but then it crashed.
I also entered an issue on Github in june last year - no response.

On Linux they seem to have packaging problems, but last I saw it seemed to work on windows. It’d be awesome if the community could help them sort out their Linux issues :slight_smile:

I tried them both today on Linux, using 2 Mpx files exported from darktable, aligned using align_image_stack. Neither of them crashed.
From 20 files they both created a stacked image. image-stacker have results very similar to my previous attempt with enfuse (not so great). Chimp was much better.

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Thanks for the hint. Chimp Stackr worked perfectly!!!


Which distribution do you use? (I’m curious)
I use Manjaro and, as I wrote already, ChimpStackr crashes.