OK, so a bit of self promotion as I’m quite chuffed with the final outcome.
Where I live in Australia we have fairly dark skies only 20 minutes drive from my front door. So last night I used every bit of motivation I had to overcome the call of the couch and TV and head out at 10pm to find a dark spot for some time lapse of the milky way.
The end result is here: https://youtu.be/3ANOef5qnl8
If you watch towards the bottom of the frame about 10 seconds in you’ll see a largish streak, that’s the ISS…
The technical details are at the end of the video, it’s only 20 seconds or so, but for the record:
Canon 5DMk3
25 Seconds F2.8 @ 16mm.
5 Seconds between shots, allows time for the camera to write the file reset etc not sure I like it though, the gaps for passing planes and meteors/shooting stars is a bit jarring, likely I’ll shorten that up next time out.
172 Images
Raw to jpeg processing done in RawTherapee
ffmpeg to create the video, frame rate in 12 frame rate out 24, slows down the play back
ffmpeg -r 12 -pattern_type glob -i '*.jpg' -r 24 -vcodec libx264 -vf scale=1080:-1 milky-way-1080.mp4
kdenlive for video and audio mixing and effects, first time I’ve used it. easy to work out.
Music was found from a google search for free royalty free music: http://www.purple-planet.com/ambient/4583818256 “A touch of zen”.
Looks like I’m heading out again on Wednesday night, a local Aurora chaser is keen to go and I’m tagging in with him. Hoping for clear and dark skies… I’m keen to get that captured.