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@patdavid you’re going to drown in web photo galleries, like zen photo and of course GNU media goblin. :laughing:

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It is also useful for editing video which I think is totally on topic here, it’s just many photos in sequence. :smirk:


I saw a YouTube video a while back about using Blender’s compositor to virtually change the camera position in relation to the plane of a photograph, thereby creating a very credible tilt-shift effect. I’ll see if I can find the link a little later…

EDIT: Found it!

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I should also note that I use Blender extensively. Mostly for video editing (I’ve found it to be the best NLE in the F/OSS world, and I’ve tried just about every single F/OSS NLE out there), but also for rendering perspective shots of 3D models and pointclouds generated from SfM photgrammetric techniques. Technically, it’s a fully capable photgraphic editor too, as you can do basic things like color correction, tone curves, cropping, etc. As well as the cool ability to change the camera position in post mentioned in my previous comment. This is not only useful for the tilt-shift effect, but lets you do perspective changes (Keystone compensation, etc.) as well. Often times, the way Blender achieves this (camera perspective shift with complete re-rendering of an image from the new perspective) produces more credible results than do approaches that simply warp the original photograph. Finally, Blender has an excellent engine for guided image stabilization using key points and camera tracking. This is great for producing smooth video, but also excellent for time-lapse photography, aligning image stacks, etc.

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Ah, nice try with the quick delete! :slight_smile:

I’ll be adding to the gallery section just as soon as I finish something up on! (thank you for poking me!).

ResourceSpace Web Based DAM / Gallery

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Ok, a little belated, but updated! Thanks again! :smiley:

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I just discovered an Open Source camera application for Android:
Open Camera

Well, rediscovered is a more apt term, as I have played with it before, but it had some issues on my Cyanogenmod device and I had forgotten all about it.

It seems to work well with this my new LG Stylo 2 (lost my Galaxy S3 and this was the cheapest one on my plan) and brings a ton of functionality that the stock camera app is lacking.

Worth considering?


Looks like it fits the bill to me! :slight_smile: I’ll try to find some time to add it - if I flake for a bit make sure to hit me again.

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I’m not logged into github on my phone, but if you want to open an issue on the website repo, I can add this.

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Cool, I will get to it!

I’ve actually run across that app in fdroid, but the description was so uninformative that I never investigated further. It actually looks like it has a nice feature set.

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Yeah, I downloaded it from F-Droid, too. I just couldn’t get it to work properly on CyanogenMod. Turns out the developer doesn’t have access to a CyanogenMod device and simply couldn’t debug it, as emulation is tricky.

His blog is current and he is actively developing. I’ll keep using it just because it’s FOSS.

Now if I can just find a way to root my stupid, new phone!!

I would add:

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Image managing, tagging,…: Kphotoalbum

I will add these when I find a free moment, thanks!

Robopages download | deserves a look. Robopages is very fast. Speed test sites rate Robopages only marginally slower than static HTML.

This is a no-database CMS with a substantially unique architecture. Images and/or HTML fragments are placed in a hierarchical file system of the user’s making. There is a default layout, which can be modified at will. But there is no limit to the number of layouts possible. Differing layouts can be assigned to individual pages or to groups of pages in a variety of ways.

Boilerplate headers footers and side banners can be different on different pages, although the default behavior for boilerplate, if not otherwise specified, all comes out the same, so all pages have the same header, for instance.

Layouts are defined in simple XML flies that marry dynamic plugin content generators to HTML block element ID names. The system reads those XML files recursively and spits out content. The simplest plugin is file.php which simply sucks in a file (for boilerplate and/or main display elements). Navigation is automatically generated too, at least if the XML calls for it.

we went with static pages on purpose.

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I’m working on an optional enhancement to Robopages that spits out static HTML (display areas and corresponding navigation links) rather than dynamic output on the port80 pipe.

To run any software that writes to the local file system on the server, like phpMyAdmin–gives me the heeby jeebies. I got badly hacked once. File permissions have kept me safe ever since. So I’ll recommend static content users run a parallel version of Robopages on their desktop, make the static pages and then use scp to send up a zip file, or tar ball.

I find it convenient to simply, continually upload HTML fragments and images and have them dynamically automatically appear. Photo galleries are cumbersome in the static HTML context because you have to rebuild the whole system every time you upload a new image (so other pages have links to that new image). Dynamic and fast does have its advantages.

Many systems–like WordPress–are slow. Robopages is lightning fast. I do have to ssh in to run scripts, however, if I want to make thumbnails on the server…without granting write permission to the web server process.

Virtual dedicated servers with their corresponding latest and greatest apache web server installations make it possible but tricky and difficult to give write permission to the web server. I think that’s a good thing.

That is a solved problem with fragment tracking and so on. The original plan was to use Joomla for the whole site.

Pat was happy very quickly after the first few security update rounds for Joomla. :stuck_out_tongue:

currently the whole website can be hosted on the dumbest possible webserver without much CPU or memory costs. which is a nice side effect. and we don’t have any server side code to maintain for the main site. combine that with discourse for the comments. and we are very happy campers.

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