Hi! I am very new to Gimp, and working on getting used to doing things a bit different. I have wanted to move ti Linux for ages, but Photoshop kept me locked on windows.
One of the features that I enjoyed on photoshop, was setting the crop tool to a certain dimension (say 1200px x 300px), and in one go, both crop to the sellected area (drag a square around it), resize it to the defined dimention (scaling a corner) and also freely rotate it (by rotating a corner) in order to level the image
I have been trying to use the sellect tool on Gimp to achieve the same effect, and although I can set it to a certain size, I can’t resize it (aka select a larger are than then shrinks down to the set size).
Also I was not able to freely rotate it
How would you go about this in the most effective way? I was quite used to that way and looking for a similarly effective method to optimize multiple picture editing. I don’t mind multiple steps for one or ten pictures, but when editing 100-200 pictures, efficiency becomes quite valuable!
Make sure to select “selection” in the Transform options :
Than, click and drag your selection in the image.
NB: this doesn’t work with the crop tool but with the selection tool, but you can just use the menu Image > Crop to selection or just CTRL+C then CTRL+SHIFT+V to paste to a new image.
As for the size, i don’t know yet. Let’s wait for an expert!
Yes this is the part that I have been messing with, but have trouble understanding.
The rotate tool even has an option for clipping but I am not sure how that works.
Still this adds maybe 10-12 steps to my workflow compared to the cropping tool on Photoshop, so I had hopped that Gimp had a similar function for such a simple and basic function
You can use the Unified Transform tool to both scale and rotate the selection mask at the same time.
But then you will have to rotate the image afterwards, and this makes the border pixels be interpolated twice. So it is probably better to 1) fix the image (level, and you can also correct the perspective if necessary while you are at it) and 2) apply a rectangular crop on the result.
Rotate image as needed and maybe even adjust perspective
Crop to image ratio (for example 16:9)
Resize to wished image size (for example 800x450 px)
This is actually my issue. I could do all these things with one tool and actually just by dragging and pressing enter. Replacing one action with 3 ( I assume) is what I was hopping that I could do with Gimp too. Again, it is no biggie, but with large number of images, it is really frustrating when you know it could have gone so much faster
I own a perpetual licence of Adode Master Collection which includes PS, but abandoned PS for GIMP many many years ago. I realise PS may have improved since then, but one of the GIMP features I love is the ability to crop an individual layer which PS CS6 appeared not to allow. Most programs have there pros and cons. I also like the ease of opening images as layers in GIMP compared to the more clunky approach in PS. I feel you just have to be willing to learn a few new ways and forums like this will help you. Good luck.