Hello again! o)
Unfortunately, deleting “C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\ART” did not make a difference, I tried that before, but no, there is some progress though, the tl;dr; version starts in the middle of this post.
The log file gives basically the same error as my CMD screenshot above, nonetheless attached for further reference and also as text snippet right here, so the next one can find it much easier:
out.txt (207.6 KB)
Bail out! Gtk:ERROR:../gtk/gtk/gtkiconhelper.c:494:ensure_surface_for_gicon: assertion failed (error == NULL): Failed to load /org/gtk/libgtk/icons/16x16/status/image-missing.png: Unrecognized image file format (gdk-pixbuf-error-quark, 3)
Some searching for this error shows, that this error happens mostly on Linux based systems, e.g.:
Since I was able to download the zip and also download / run the installer, this does not apply I guess, thank you nonetheless! o)
I always run in "admin"context, I have UAC on Windows disabled, so my context is always “elevated”. I tried nonetheless what you suggested, but it did not change anything. Just extracting and using the zipped version also should not need any admin rights, but I also made sure to “Run as Admin” here, just to be safe. You have to be precise when troubleshooting, right? o)
@lphilpot Thank you, yes, it shouldn’t make a difference, but…
Playing with the path, seems to have resolved the issue now! (Well, kind of… o):
It seems ART and RT do not like being run from a path containing a “bin” folder.
So this won’t do:
C:\Program Files\bin\ART
This works fine:
C:\Program Files\ART
Don’t ask me why that is! o)
I guess I am one of very few people using Linux style folders on a Windows system, so probably nobody else ever encountered this issue, just a guess of course.
The error message given in the log / output is a follow up error in GTK, it seems (after some reading). The actual issue on Linux seems to be the “loader cache” of GTK not being readable, uptodate or whatever. The Linux solution to this does not seem to apply to Windows, but it is obviously not needed in this case either. The problem seems to be in the path handling somewhere (“bin” folder), but if you run Linux, then there are different solutions to this, maybe check the links.
Thanks @agriggio for giving a hint to the “Verbose” setting in the “options” file. It’s good to know about it, although the log output turned out to be of little help, it surely will be very useful the next time! o)
So, thank you all! o)
Have a nice weekend everyone! o)