[Friendly reminder] Limit JPEGs to maybe full HD resolution

I thought this thread was in response to people uploading large images indiscriminately; e.g., a new member uploading 10 screenshots of barely anything in one post.

PS Loading speed could also be an issue. At least for me, I don’t enjoy waiting for a thread with lots of large images to load, along with MathJax. Sorry my devices are ancient. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t worry, it was more a reminder to myself.

Hm, I think the original images are loaded when the lightbox opens, but I do not think this makes sense. The lightbox could easily load a smaller resolution that suits the actual screen size. Only when the picture is clicked again or the download button is pressed, it should load the full size image.

One could even implement an even smarter solution: The lightbox opens the resolution fitting to the screen size. Clicking the image again opens a full resolution version with a reasonable compression if the original image’s size does not fit to the resolution (e.g., “100%” jpeg images would be reencoded as “70%”. Only if the download button is directly pressed (and it then should be renamed to “download original file”), the full size image in its original form should be loaded.

As a policy, even if not technically enforced? Probably. Depends, of course. For photographs, yes. 1920x1080 is, especially for photographers, not the display resolution of choice anymore, And pixel peeping is interesting for denoising questions.

It happens often that I find an interesting image, e.g. on flickr, which has appropriate license (e.g. cc) and which I would love to set as a wallpaper on my computer, but to make it span both displays I would already require 3840 px on the longer side, and too often, I then discover that the maximum size available is 800 by 600.

The author always has the option to give a license of choice and upload as a resolution of choice. Combining low-res upload with cc licenses just does not feel right to me for many little reasons (again, not for an individual case, but as a general policy).

Of course, if the decision about image size is critical for the financial health of this community, I am the first to speak up to limit image sizes. But I am sure, not all technical possibilities have been tried (see above). Of course, this is something to happen upstream, but I think the default implementation of discourse was never meant for an image heavy photography forum, so there may be room for improvement.

However, this is just my weird opinion.

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And, there is a bug in the lightbox implementation that loads the next image in full size whenever I click the center of an image on my mobile phone. It does happen on the phone only.

When going to 100% within the light box, is it currently the same as download? I don’t know about re-encoding JPGs because it has been a major headache for many on social and messaging platforms.

I have been bearing with this reality for a long time. The issue is that the left and right arrows are in the wrong spots, so it is easy to misfire. To zoom, you would have to scroll hard right, past the right arrow. (It really sucks to have a low res mobile screen.)

I dunno exactly how many pennies are in the coffers, but we have plenty, thanks to all the generous people.

@chris not every thread is about noise reduction pixel peeping. especially most of the play raws.

@darix, that was just one out of several example reasons I gave. I see that we have a totally different opinion regarding this topic. I don’t think that I can convince you, and you will not convince me unless this is financially critical for this place to survive. So I do not think we should continue to discuss this, since it will just repeat the same arguments. Don’t worry, I don’t think it’s a problem. It’s just my weird opinion.

Sorry @darix, this sounded a bit too harsh, and also took the arguments of others into account. It was not meant to. I still think it should be the user’s choice what size to upload. IMO we should not recommend to upload low size in general, but we could ask for being reasonable when uploading and explain what sizes would fit which purpose. This may be even more about jpeg quality than resolution.

It is the users choice. we cant stop you from doing so. but you could also ask yourself "is it really needed for this discussion to upload a 24, 36, 48 or even 100Mpix image or not.

Simple common sense question.

I was using mostly HD*1.5 and reducing that to HD should be quite acceptable.
Though I have few panoramas which are somewhat bigger :joy::rofl::crazy_face:

Just a small note here in case it wasn’t clear

I believe that @darix originally brought up this thread because for some reason some images weren’t getting lightboxed/thumbnailed correctly by the forum software - and when he tried to view a topic on his mobile it was trying to download the full resolution image?

If so, this is really a bug I’d think - the forum should have created smaller, optimized versions of the images for inclusion in a topic (and would serve the full resolution image when clicked on/requested). I haven’t had a chance to stop and do a proper test of this myself yet (it’s on the list).

If things are working as usual then it shouldn’t be an issue (I think)? Correct me if I’m off-base of course.


Was there a change in the forum software? When clicking on an image , I don’t get an enlarged image anymore.

You might need to hard reload the site?

Unfortunately, @Thomas_Do is right.
Or, at least, I suffer from the same dilemma as he is :frowning:

Also: Formerly, many more avatars were shown as respondents.
Not so any longer :frowning:

Looks like our sidekiq instance is down. @darix will have to restart it when he has a free minute.

Yes, I tried but it doesn’t help

You can get a somewhat larger image by right clicking and showing the image in a new browser tab. But full resolution is gone (tested with chrome & firefox under linux).

I also noticed the limited nubers of avatars that @Claes mentioned.

Thanks a lot!

[possibly OT] I tend toward 1800p for random online sharing and 3600p for high res sharing. ymmv.