Just FYI: For DR (“dynamic range”) RAFs you can use HDRMerge. @heckflosse made a change that enables this. Don’t know for X-trans, though.
Just FYI: For DR (“dynamic range”) RAFs you can use HDRMerge. @heckflosse made a change that enables this. Don’t know for X-trans, though.
The RAF file has 2 images. You say that HDRMerge, merge both images? How can you separate the two images in HDRMerge to indicate the difference in exposure?
HDRMerge does this automatically if it finds 2 raw frames in a raw file. Maybe start hdrmerge -vv
(two v, not one w) from console to see in console output if it works correctly.
I guess you are talking about either EXR or SR Sensors from Fuji?
X-Trans only contain one image
Yes. Fuji X10 sensor
Fuji X10 has EXR-sensor. If the raw has two frames with different exposure (DR mode), HDRMerge should be able to combine them. If the raw has to frames with equal exposure, use Rawtherapee with SN mode
It didn’t function. Perhaps I don’t know how to work with HDRMerge. I use Luminance. Do you prefer HDMerge over Luminance for some reason?
Can you provide a raw file to test?
They do different things. One merges raw files into a single raw file in the interest of noise reduction; the other merges raw files, tone maps the result and outputs a processed image.
DSCF7760.RAF (18.9 MB)
This is my test file. My workflow is:
1- load in RT
2- generate tiff with frame 1
3- generate tiff with frame 2
4- load in Luminance
5- merge with 2EV difference
6- generate tiff 32 bits
7- load in RT
8- process (tone mapping in RT)
This is from HDRMerge (branch cmake-exiv2
commit 9d0050d
), merged using a white level of 3700, then processed only in RawTherapee 5.6 (no need for LHDR):
DSCF7760-7760_wl3700.dng (10.9 MB)
Very nice and natural. (I expected nothing else from you. )
I gave it a try and ran into the white level issue as well. How did you come up with 3700?
I measured the RAF file and was surprised to find a buildup of values starting from around 3700. I expected to see a spike, not a bunch.
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Fujifilm EXR “SN Mode” raw files
Thank you. I have to study how to use HDRMerge. Are any good tutorial to recommend?
Can I get sub-image or similar option for Fuji S5 Pro? Sure, Adobe RAW does really good job these days with it, but still.
No. The rt engine does not support 2 frames of different dimensions atm.
Edit: for reference:
Process individually - upsize/downsize/crop - merge?
That highlight part has pretty much always same processing, it just needs to have cutoff at certain EV to not get pink/red highlights and some heavy NR.
Another (simple) solution would be just to split file and let users process and output both, I did that with another SW, results are okay-ish (could be better, if original SW had some reasonable demosaicing and NR).