Fun with lenses

@claes it looks like a bird swooping in!

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H.R. Giger vibes for some reason :sweat_smile:

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Can you guess who this is?

Bonus points for naming the country and town.

No cheating! :blush:

This was the only half-decent portrait shot I managed all year! :wink:


Answer: Agatha Christie — the best-selling novelist of all time — who was born in Torquay, England in 1890. To celebrate her centenary, a hand-crafted bronze bust was made in her likeness.


One of my favorite authors… but I didn’t recognize her! :flushed:

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Our Favourite Martian is about to land again:

X-T4 + Hexanon 50mm/1.7, developed in RT5.9, and framed in The Gimp.

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden


A short time ago, one or our potted plants, a Dypsis lutescens,
started to produce strange things. It seems as if it wanted to

This week, two things were released. They most certainly are small!
Here, they rest on a pad of ordinary printer paper. (See mouse at the back as a scale indicator.)


Here is a close-up of one of the things, enhanced by the power of imagemagick.


I wonder what might it be… A flower? A fruit? A mini-coconut?

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

Was there any flowers before those things appeared?
If not it they may be… I can’t remember the word, but essentially a plantlet, that would grow if it lands in the right conditions. (ah… it may be an offset)
The funny thing is though, I looked up Dypsis lutescens in a couple of places and it doesn’t sound like they do that… maybe it’s an imposter!

Maybe it’s one of these?!


My German/Latin teacher at High school would put up a “thought for the day” on his board. One week it was the humorous:

“Love is catching. Amo, Amas Amat it again”

(conjugating the Latin verb to love).

Another time it was the unforgettable insider’s joke:

Say it with flowers: give her a triffid.

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