Gamma/Saturation difference between DT and other apps on Mac

Just tried a strange experiment. I erased the library.db file and re-imported my images. It seems that the issue disappears. Trying some experiments at the moment.
OK, so it seems that in the 4.2 version (gtk 3.24.34), if I erase the data.db and library.db files and re-import, the issue disappears but not in the 4.3 build…
Not sure it was necessary to rebuild database but it wasn’t working straight away.
Seems to point towards a gtk problem.

got feedback at gtk3: macOS: gtk3 3.24.36 changed determining system display profile over gtk3 3.24.34 (#5579) · Issues · GNOME / gtk · GitLab
so the behaviour was changed intentionally

Thanks, hope it is fixed soon!

This means, that everything would work again, if you put the actual monitor profile in ~/config/darktable/color/out and manually select that profile, instead of the generic “system display profile”.

I did the same change for myself before, see and the ensuing discussion.

The good news: the change supports wide-gamut displays better (but only if you are on a single monitor setup), and speeds up some operations.
The bad news: it breaks color management for all that are not aware of the issue and miss to manually switch over to the monitor profile. And for all gtk-based applications, that simply rely on macOS color management.

and breaking color managed apps even wasn’t something to be mentioned in release notes for gtk3 3.24.36 :wink:

Right, I checked on the release notes and could not find anything related to color.

gtk3 issue macOS: gtk3 3.24.36 changed determining system display profile over gtk3 3.24.34 (#5579) · Issues · GNOME / gtk · GitLab is fixed.

see current OSX Build - #619 by MStraeten for builds with patched gtk3 3.24.36
keep in mind: now you need to select ‘system display profile’ to get a proper color managed view

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