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J12A7596.CR3 (24.1 MB)
I think this is an image which leaves a lot room for interpretations. Here is a first one:
J12A7596_01.CR3.xmp (22,1 KB)
…und das ist auch gut so!
(and that’s a good thing. a quote known in Germany)
I had a bit of trouble finalizing this one. Overall, it looks much better with either FilmicRGB or Sigmoid enabled, but they kind of mess up the light balance of the geese themselves. I went back and forth about ten times (between Filmic, Sigmoid, and neither), and wound up sticking with Sigmoid.
Geese in low side-light (e.g. dawn) are the bane of my photography. It is so hard for me to keep the breast plumage tamed. I swear those feathers are made of mirrors! Anyway, here is my fun:
J12A7596.CR3.arp (13.3 KB)
J12A7596.CR3.xmp (13.7 KB)
Here is my proposal, I tried to create a harmony of colors while preserving the colors of geese
J12A7596.CR3.xmp (26.0 KB)
Dartable 5.1 (master)
I really struggled with bringing out the detail in the heads. Dark feathers in the shadows defeated me. @priort handled this much better as did @Christian-B @Popanz and a few others. Also my posted images always look darker than they do on my screen when I edit. Hmmm.
J12A7596.CR3.xmp (14.5 KB)
I’ve added 3 presets to your processing that I use almost all the time for this type of shooting.
Here’s the xmp
J12A7596_06.CR3.xmp (17.0 KB)
and a short video