I meant drag and drop presets onto some kind of file/thumbnail view. A way of assigning the preset to multiple files at once. There are details and complications to how this would be done and would require some kind of file/thumbnail view.
Do you mean that: say there was a node graph setup (we’ll call it a “preset”) that crops an image and dnd the preset into multiple files would add the “crop” functionality to those presets? Would this be useful for batch processing or for something else?
My orginal idea was to have, on startup, different “presets” for things like cropping an image, resizing images, etc which you could click, load your image(s) and the node setup would already be there ready for whatever else you wanted to do.
I am just trying to understand this as it seems that this could be a great idea.
Toolbar side panel including a list of presets one can add to from the editing view
File/thumbnail view
Rendering view from above replaced with grid of thumbnails
Side panel includes the list of node presets perhaps as a list of draggable flat “panels” that be re-ordered.
Multiple selections using the common shift-click, ctrl-click can be done sticky and separately in thumbnail view and side panel. So select a number of thumbnails > switch to side panel > select one or many presets > drag and drop the presets onto the selected thumbnails to copy them over.
These are just quick thoughs might have lots of usability issues!