Hi. Just like to know how to change the default “Export as” format to .jpeg. At present it’s png. Bit of a bother having to change that every time.
Hi. Just like to know how to change the default “Export as” format to .jpeg. At present it’s png. Bit of a bother having to change that every time.
the simple approach I take is to replace the .png extension in the files naming with .jpg or .jpeg and GIMP will work out the rest. I don’t open up the list of possible file extensions as the simple act of replacing three letters of the file extension achieves what I want.
at least in gimp 3 there is an option for this in the settings dialogue.
Yes, Terry, I do that every time. But Gimp doesn’t remember that I do it and it defaults to .png the next time.
Darix, I hope the release date of May, for Gimp 3, is correct!
I also hope they bring back the previous Sharpen filter. The Unsharp Mask just doesn’t seem to give the same result. All it does is put a darker edge border around every element to give the illusion of sharpness.
I just saw that when you go to the “Export as” dialogue box, there’s an option to Save defaults. Should have noticed that before…
With GIMP on my windows computer it defaults to the file type that was opened. Hope your issue gets resolved.
GIMP 2.10 has also an option for this in the settings dialogue, and the option works fine at least in windows.
Yasuo pointed mi the right direction, Terry.
Thanks, Yasuo.
Screen shots are great. Well done @yasuo