Glad David was able to get the site back up.

I know; another one of these threads. lol

Don’t you hate glitches?

Anyway, keep up the great work David (and your relentless team, too). :slight_smile:


It was @darix :wink: He’s the system master! Thanks darix!!


I didn’t miss the site because I was busy with work, but apparently free enough to notice. :joy_cat: Thanks @darix.




I didn’t know. But I’m glad it is up and running now and thanks to all who keep it thus :slight_smile:

Who is “David” by the way? We have me, I’m Mica. There is Patrick. There is Markus.

Common @lylejk glitch. :wink:

Meant Patrick (last name’s David). lol

My brain gets confused sometimes when folk have 2 traditional first name names. lol


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Taking this weekend off (work full time on weekends) and last week had 2 back to back 14 hour shifts (usually have 10 hour shifts), so that’s my excuse and sticking with it, afre. lol

Needed this weekend off; getting a bit burnt out (2 jobs et. al.). Hopefully my batteries will be fully recharged by the end of my staycation. :slight_smile:

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