A lot has been achieved since the last time there was activity in the old ‘glitch art’ thread so here’s another one. In G’MIC I’ve implemented several filters which create messes out of images, based on several ideas from around the forum and a few of my own. The ‘cascading self-glitching’ filter is more or less done though I wanted to allow for custom user-defined commands with each iteration of ‘glitching’; UltraWarp 2 is more restrained that UltraWarp++++; the JPEG artefacts thing offers even more distortion than a standard JPEG encoder but lacks some of the options which encoders like the one in GIMP have (lower-quality chroma subsampling etc), which would work very well with the JIFF self-bomb filter. Both my Shredder and Shifter (just made a pull request for this) filters yield very messy results too and I want to move on to ideas besides this (although I’m still a terrible programmer): JPEG and PNG ‘glitch’ simulation as well as data encoding algorithms and simple bit flips. If it’s possible, various particular databending simulation would be nice to have and play with.
Here’s what my JIFF self-bomber can do. It’s the most jarring of all the filters that I’ve made: