Global Color picker in HSL or RGB in hex format


I think it would be helpful if the global color picker could have the possibility to put the RGB value in hex format. Nowadays, for the color grading of my pictures, I use an external tool to know which are the best color matching. As I’ve read, In darktable is not thought to include this kind of colorwheels. For me it’s very helpful to see the colors in this wheel format.
Nowadays I use and Adobe Color to do this job. The RGB values input for the colors is in HEX format. So, I have to convert the decimal values of the RGB taken from the color picker and convert them to HEX format.

Another improvement would be to have the possibility to see the value in HSL format.

All comments are very welcome.

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All this is possible in coming dt 3.4.


I didn’t know!
Waiting for Christmas :wink:

Also, a vectorscope is only one afternoon of work now.


+1 for a vectorscope
Can we also have the option to see RGB in %?

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Hi Aurelien,
Is that vectorscope expected in the next version of DT?

Maybe ? It’s not coded yet.

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