G'MIC CLI Error in ./samj_Angoisse/ *** Command 'to_rgb': Invalid selection [-1] (no data available)

Hey there.

For the life of me I can not get apply_files to work with the Angoisse effect, and any help would be greatly appreciated as I am essentially beating my head against a brick wall over here.

I try two different versions of the command, the first using the documentation formatting:

gmic -apply_files "f*.png", "samj_Angoisse 1,5,0,5,100,2,4,1,250" output.png

this returns:

[gmic]-0./ Start G'MIC interpreter.
[gmic]-0./ Apply command '' on input image files 'f*.png', with first frame 0, last frame -1, frame step 1 and output filename ''.
  > Frame #49/49
[gmic]-0./ Input file 'samj_Angoisse 1,5,0,5,100,2,4,1,250' at position 0
[gmic]-0./ *** Error *** Unknown command or filename 'samj_Angoisse 1,5,0,5,100,2,4,1,250'.

Next, I try something a little different to call the command; using the ‘dash’ symbol:

gmic -apply_files "f*.png", -samj_Angoisse 1,5,0,5,100,2,4,1,250 output.png

This seems to work slightly better, but still eventually gives back an error:

[gmic]-0./ Start G'MIC interpreter.
[gmic]-0./ Apply command '' on input image files 'f*.png', with first frame 0, last frame -1, frame step 1 and output filename ''.
  > Frame #49/49
[gmic] *** Error in ./samj_Angoisse/ *** Command 'to_rgb': Invalid selection [-1] (no data available).

I’m not sure what is going on here, I copied the command directly from the G’MIC qt executable.


Don’t know on which terminal you try running it, but at least, this works on a linux console:

gmic apply_files \"\*.jpg\",\"samj_Angoisse 1,5,0,5,100,2,4,1,250\",0,-1,1,\"out.png\"

When running G’MIC on a terminal with commands that require strings as argument, you often have to put backslashes and quotes to be sure G’MIC get the quotes.

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wow fast reply thank you so much!

for some reason your code didn’t work until I removed the backslashes from the input string. Is there any issues with doing that?

If at the end, you get what you expect, no there is no problem with that :slight_smile:

It’s sometimes a bit tricky to use long G’MIC commands from a console, because we have to take care both of the special characters for the console and for the G’MIC scripting language.
Not always easy to figure out, particularly because each shell uses its own set of reserved characters.

I will try and keep that in mind.

Thanks again!!

My 2¢ (USD):

TL;DR: Methinks the original culprit is an overlooked, misplaced space character:

Pragmatic advice. Nonetheless, for those starting out with G’MIC, I recommend a deliberate study of command line science, as it pays dividends in future frustrations avoided and makes G’MIC snippets less like mystical incantations and more like intelligible tools that serve concrete purposes.

Details: In his transcription, @David_Tschumperle left the offending space character out, as he has written about 148 bazillion G’MIC pipelines by now, and for him some on-the-fly corrective edits just arise from an instinctive muscle memory and he glides over the difficulty.

That said, G’MIC’s command line parser very much depends on spaces to block out commands from their arguments; an unintended space character in an argument string derails this blocking. See Items of a Processing Pipeline.

For a take-away: Become familiar with G’MIC’s processing log. In this particular case, it gave the first evidence that G’MIC had derailed:

[gmic]-0./ Apply command '' on input image files 'f*.png', with first frame 0, last frame -1, frame step 1 and output filename ''.

That G’MIC assigns an empty string to the command it thinks it is supposed to apply serially to files, and that the output filename template is also an empty string, should raise red flags. In the majority of cases, such red flags indicate that there is a blocking mismatch between what is intended as the pipeline and what actually is the pipeline, as seen by G’MIC’s “eyes”.

Such is a good time to push away from the computer, play a bit with a handy cat or dog, raid the kitchen, stretch a bit, and then return to re-read the processing log and proofread the command line. Usually, such an exercise — taken after a mind-clearing break! — turns up misplaced spaces or incorrectly composed command arguments. For the latter, confer with gmic h frequently.

Perhaps a theory of what is going wrong fails to emerge. Take a deep breath and then insert -debug after gmic, then follow that with your intended pipeline.

gmic -debug -apply_files "f*.png", "samj_Angoisse 1,5,0,5,100,2,4,1,250" output.png

What emerges is an explosion of text: an excruciatingly detailed commentary on G’MIC’s traversal of the dependency graph into which G’MIC pipelines decompose. We need not apprehend all of it; just the expansion of the root node (our pipeline, as we wrote it) and the initial children. Under -debug, G’MIC tells us exactly! how it blocks out the initial command line. That blocking is either how we want it or not, no ifs, ands or buts.

[gmic]-0./ Start G'MIC interpreter (in debug mode).<gmic>-0./ Initial command line: 'cli_start , -debug -apply_files f*.png, "samj_Angoisse 1,5,0,5,100,2,4,1,250" output.png'.
<gmic>./ Decompose command line into 7 items: 
<gmic>./   item[0] = 'cli_start'
<gmic>./   item[1] = ','
<gmic>./   item[2] = '-debug'
<gmic>./   item[3] = '-apply_files'
<gmic>./   item[4] = 'f*.png,'
<gmic>./   item[5] = 'samj_Angoisse 1\,5\,0\,5\,100\,2\,4\,1\,250'
<gmic>./   item[6] = 'output.png'

<gmic>-0./ Enter scope './'.
<gmic>-0./ Item 'cli_start', selection [].
<gmic>-0./ Found custom command 'cli_start: ' (takes no arguments).
<gmic>-0./ Expand command line for command 'cli_start' to: ''.
<gmic>-0./cli_start/ Return from empty command 'cli_start/'.
<gmic>-0./ Item '-debug' -> 'debug', selection [].
<gmic>-0./ Item '-apply_files' -> 'apply_files', selection [].
<gmic>-0./ Found custom command 'apply_files: check "isint(${3=0}) && $3>=0 && isint(${4=-1}) && ($4>=0 || $4==-1) && ${5=1}>=1" skip "${2=},${6=}" e[^-1] "Apply command '$2'(...)utput filename '$6'.\n" files 3,"$1" _N=/{narg(${})-1} arg2var _file,${} v + _apply_stream[] "${_file{$frame+1}}","$2",${3-5},"$6"' (takes arguments).
<gmic>-0./ Command 'apply_files': arguments = 'f*.png,'.
<gmic>-0./ Found 1 given argument for command 'apply_files':
<gmic>-0./   $1 = 'f*.png'

The first two items: cli_start and , may surprise us: we didn’t write those. G’MIC assumes that such initial pipeline items are present. However, G’MIC does not itself define cli_start. The , constitutes its (empty) argument list. We may choose to define a cli_start: perhaps to include one or more site- or task-specific command files as an initializer for any pipeline we may write. For present purposes, cli_start and its empty argument list may be ignored. That leaves the remaining items, those which we had specifically written.

At this juncture, we should see that we are — indeed — derailed, for G’MIC perceives three separate items following apply_files that, by our intentions, were all destined to be arguments for apply_files. The pipeline following apply_files has been overly decomposed into too many (wrong) items. That is why the command line and the output file template are being assigned empty strings. Insofar as what G’MIC “sees” of the command line, those arguments were never given and so defaulted them to empty strings. Looking down further in the debug log, we obtain confirmation of this suspicion. Command 'apply_files': arguments = 'f*.png,' G’MIC thinks that only one argument is being given to apply_files. This is where the wheels are leaving the rails.

What controls the itemization of command lines? According to Items of a Processing Pipeline it is the space character, not otherwise embedded in a double-quoted string. “In G’MIC, an image processing pipeline is described as a sequence of items separated by the space character.”

So. We should be looking for misplaced space characters, and, indeed, there are: one preceding the command line we want to apply, and one preceding the output file template we wanted to use. This broke up what we perceived to be one argument list into three separate items.

The first became the truncated argument list.

G’MIC does not recognize the second item as a known command (the pipeline we wished to have serially applied), and in that circumstance infers that -input should precede it: this, the convention that allows us to populate image lists expediently by not writing -input, input, -i or i at all — most times, a blessing, this time a curse.

The tangle goes on, of course, but we’re already dead in the ditch, so who cares?

Armed with a bit of science from Items of a Processing Pipeline and various consultations with gmic help we arrive at our next pipeline version:

gmic -debug -apply_files "f*.png",\"samj_Angoisse 1,5,0,5,100,2,4,1,250\",0,1,-1,"output.png"

In my shell (Linux, bash) double-quotes are significant to the ‘Born Again Shell’ interpreter, so must be escaped to become visible to the G’MIC interpreter (and ignored by the bash shell). Your shell may behave differently; see concluding remarks on how to normalize this vagary. Duelling shells aside, this is what -debug tells us about the root level pipeline decomposition:

[gmic]-0./ Start G'MIC interpreter (in debug mode).<gmic>-0./ Initial command line: 'cli_start , -debug -apply_files f*.png,"samj_Angoisse 1,5,0,5,100,2,4,1,250",0,1,-1,output.png'.
<gmic>./ Decompose command line into 5 items: 
<gmic>./   item[0] = 'cli_start'
<gmic>./   item[1] = ','
<gmic>./   item[2] = '-debug'
<gmic>./   item[3] = '-apply_files'
<gmic>./   item[4] = 'f*.png,samj_Angoisse 1\,5\,0\,5\,100\,2\,4\,1\,250,0,1,-1,output.png'

<gmic>-0./ Enter scope './'.
<gmic>-0./ Item 'cli_start', selection [].
<gmic>-0./ Found custom command 'cli_start: ' (takes no arguments).
<gmic>-0./ Expand command line for command 'cli_start' to: ''.
<gmic>-0./cli_start/ Return from empty command 'cli_start/'.
<gmic>-0./ Item '-debug' -> 'debug', selection [].
<gmic>-0./ Item '-apply_files' -> 'apply_files', selection [].
<gmic>-0./ Found custom command 'apply_files: check "isint(${3=0}) && $3>=0 && isint(${4=-1}) && ($4>=0 || $4==-1) && ${5=1}>=1" skip "${2=},${6=}" e[^-1] "Apply command '$2'(...)utput filename '$6'.\n" files 3,"$1" _N=/{narg(${})-1} arg2var _file,${} v + _apply_stream[] "${_file{$frame+1}}","$2",${3-5},"$6"' (takes arguments).
<gmic>-0./ Command 'apply_files': arguments = 'f*.png,samj_Angoisse 1\,5\,0\,5\,100\,2\,4\,1\,250,0,1,-1,output.png'.
<gmic>-0./ Found 6 given arguments for command 'apply_files':
<gmic>-0./   $1 = 'f*.png'
<gmic>-0./   $2 = 'samj_Angoisse 1\,5\,0\,5\,100\,2\,4\,1\,250'
<gmic>-0./   $3 = '0'
<gmic>-0./   $4 = '1'
<gmic>-0./   $5 = '-1'
<gmic>-0./   $6 = 'output.png'

The signal difference is that apply_files has only one following item, its complete argument list. Scrolling down, we get ample confirmation that the individual terms in this argument list are correctly assigned to the script’s internal variables. Indeed, the command proceeds on its merry way.

So, instead of unfocused, guesswork-motivated stabs at the pipeline in hopes that — next time! — you’ll hit a jack-pot and get a successful run, I heartily recommend cultivating a savvy on how G’MIC digests command lines and leverage that to quick, nearly effortless, corrections, for you’ll be guided by science and principles, not guesswork. In short order, you’ll have experience enough so that you need not consult -debug very often. 999 out of a 1,000 cases, pipeline errors shake down to (1) shell interference, (2) miscomposed argument lists or (3) misplaced spaces. You’ll observe as much in proof-reading pipelines after a brief, healthful break. If that fails, invoke -debug to observe how G’MIC is blocking out the pipeline and what kind of argument lists are being presented to the commands. If that fails — then maybe there is a bug-in-waiting and you have ample reason to post here.

On a closing note, I should like to observe that (1) shell interference, may be easily dealt with by making use of a very simplified form of custom commands outlined here in this new cheat: Cheat #2: Use Custom Commands to Bypass the Shell. Jumping through character-escape hoops and generally fighting with multiple interpreters can be put to one side, mostly, letting you concentrate on the interesting stuff.


Thank you for taking the time to write that all up!

Very generous and informative!

No problem. We are all here to help. Welcome to the forum, @CrackerBarrel64!