Gmic.exe commandline - how to pass an argument that contains spaces

Hello G’MIC users,

I`d like to write some text on my photos (so I remember from where they are while they are presented on tv…).
With simple words (strings without spaces) it works - but I can not figure out how to pass a string containing spaces.
In the commandline the text is enclosed with double " - but the argument within gmic is truncated:

rotate=2 -if {#>“2”}

When I pass “Hello again” the variable PhotoText only contains “Hello” - but, there is no 4th argument present…

What is my mistake?

Thank you

Quote the string, PhotoText="$3"

Hello Paper Digits,

Thank you - I ended up with the following:
In the commandline ( MS Windows ) I have to pass the space prefixed with a backslash \ to gmic - the doublequot " doesn’t work there.

Thank you