G'MIC exercises

Some news about the management of dynamic arrays in the math parser.
I’ve added new functions in command math_lib to ease handling this type of structure.

Basically, you first define a 1-column image with the number of channels you want (filled with 0). It will be used to represent your dynamic array. One example is worth a thousand words :

test :

  1,1,1,3  # A dynamic array of RGB colors (initially empty).

  v -
  eval ${-math_lib}"

    print(dar_size(#0)); # Print number of elements -> '0'

    # 500 insertions at random positions.
    for (k = 0, k<500, ++k,
      ext('w[0] 200,100%,0');  # Display array

    print(dar_size(#0)); # Print number of elements -> '500'

    # 200 removal at random positions.
    for (k = 0, k<200, ++k,
      ext('w[0] 200,100%,0'); # Display array

    print(dar_size(#0)); # Print number of elements -> '300'

    # Access to individual element by I[#ind,pos] :

  v +

Maybe @garagecoder will be able to use those functions ? :slight_smile:

EDIT: How this internally work ?
The trick here is to store the current number of element in the image, at position [w*h*d-1], and to have a image height that is always greater or equal than dar_size() + 1. The function dar_insert() resizes the image when needed, and the function dar_remove() also resizes to save memory usage.
The height of an image is not equal to the number of elements in your dynamic arrays, that’s why there is a function dar_size() to get this information.

Nice! I’ll certainly start with that, thanks. I have time today to begin writing it and that means I don’t have to worry about handling that part :slight_smile:

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Might as well re-hijack the thread because I thought of an idea which is a compromise regarding what David and I were discussing earlier about linear versus nonlinear parameters attached to sliders: float and integer sliders which display and output linear values but move nonlinearly from left to right with specified modes and powers. It could have various modes such as n^x and x^n. Also, now that I think about it, step options for both integer and float sliders.

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Well this poisson disk noise turned out tougher than I expected :smiley:
Mainly because of dealing with 1D to 3D and not knowing enough about the math parser. Had to redesign the algorithm itself… this version is the first attempt so needs optimised and probably still has bugs (there’s even debug code still in). But it’s cool you can watch it drawing it point by point!

gcd_poisson_disk : skip ${1=2},${2=30}
  # [0] input image to draw samples on
  dim={d>1?3:h>1?2:1} cw={0.999*$1/sqrt($dim)}
  ({[w,h,d,1]}) y. c  # [1] image dimensions vector
  {[ceil(I/$cw),-1]}  # [2] "accelerator" grid/cells
  r[1] 1,1,1,$dim,-1  # keep only used dimensions in [1]
  1,1,1,$dim 1,1,1,1  # [3] samples list, [4] active list
  {vector$dim(2*ceil(sqrt($dim))+1)}  # [5] cell proximity kernel
  f. "dot([x,y,z]-int([w/2,h/2,d/2]),[1,w#2,w#2*h#2])" y. c
  nm[1] dims nm[2] grid nm[3] samples nm[4] active nm[5] prox
  -v -
  eval ${-math_lib}"
    const N = "$dim";
    const radius = $1;
    const grid_cw = "$cw";
    const max_sample_attempts = $2;
    prox = I#5;
    mag2(vec) = (dot(vec,vec));
    dar_insert(#3,I#1,0);               # dummy sample to simplify bounds checks
    dar_insert(#3,u(I#1),1);            # add initial sample to list
    dar_insert(#4,1,0);                 # add its index to active list
    I(#2,int(I[#3,1]/grid_cw)) = 1;     # add its index to grid cell
    whiledo (dar_size(#4)>0,
      R = int(u(dar_size(#4)-1e-4));    # choose a random active list index

      P = i[#4,R];                      # get the index of that sample
      T = I[#3,P];                      # position vector of that sample
      for (attempts=0, attempts < max_sample_attempts, ++attempts,

        dowhile (S=4*(u(vectorN(1))-0.5); M=mag2(S), M <= 1 || M > 4);
        X = T + radius * S;             # potential sample from annulus around T
        if (min(X)<0 || min(I[#1,0]-X)<0, continue()); # check within bounds

        # check proximity of surrounding points
        G = int(X/grid_cw);             # grid cell position vector
        GI = dot(G,[1,w#2,w#2*h#2]);    # grid cell direct buffer index
        for (K=0;rejected=0, K<size(prox), ++K,
          V = i[#2,GI+prox[K]];         # sample index from grid to check
          if (V>0 && mag2(I[#3,V]-X)<sqr(radius), rejected=1;break())

        if (!rejected,
          Q = dar_size(#3);               # sample found, get new index
          dar_insert(#3,X,Q);             # insert into samples list
          dar_insert(#4,Q,dar_size(#4));  # insert its index into active
          I(#2,G) = Q;                    # insert its index into grid
          I(#0,X)=1;                      # draw the point
      if (attempts == max_sample_attempts, dar_remove(#4,P));
      ++tr; if(tr%2==0,ext('w[0] 400,400,1'));
  " -v +

gmic 128,128,1,1 gcd_poisson_disk 4


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Decided to add other preview options. There’s a issue though, preview timeout.

#@gui _
#@gui <i>Reptorian</i>
#@gui Modulus operations : fx_modulus, fx_modulus_preview(0)
#@gui : note = note("This filters applies modulo operation after arithmetic operation. Note: Joan Rake's Sawtoothers are the expanded version of this filter.")
#@gui : sep = separator()
#@gui : Multiply = float(1,0,32)
#@gui : Addition = int(0,0,255)
#@gui : sep = separator(), Preview type = choice("Full","Forward horizontal","Forward vertical","Backward horizontal","Backward vertical","Duplicate top","Duplicate left","Duplicate bottom","Duplicate right","Duplicate horizontal","Duplicate vertical","Checkered","Checkered inverse")
#@gui : sep = separator(), note = note("<small>Author : <i>Reptorian</i>.      Latest update : <i>2018/08/18</i>.</small>")
repeat $! l[$>] split_opacity l[0]
mul $1 add $2 mod 256
endl a c endl done
fx_modulus_preview :
-gui_split_preview "-fx_modulus ${1--2}", $-1

That really reminds me the kind of things you get with the farthest point sampling method.
The example below implements it:

do_fps :
  v -

  # Initialisation
  400,400 noise. 0.01,2 !=. 0

  # Furthest point sampling.
  repeat 500 +distance. 1 eval "i(#0,xM,yM) = 1" rm. done

  v +

which generates this image:


It’s a bit long to compute since a full distance function is computed before inserting each new point.

Ah yes that makes sense, it’s the exact same thing (random points a certain minimum distance apart) but a slightly different algorithm. In theory, once written properly, the one I’m working on should be faster due to using a proximity map. That depends a lot on whether I do a good job though :slight_smile:

I have the idea to re-update the distance function also only where it is necessary. I will be interesting to compare the computation times of the two approaches.
Good luck ! :wink:

Hahah! If this is to become a competition it’s a very lopsided one in your favour. But we all win anyway because we hopefully get a fast poisson disk noise from it :slight_smile:

I’ve almost something ready :slight_smile:
Any suggestion for a command name ? noise_farther maybe ?

Hmm farther is perhaps a little vague (farther than what?)… some suggestions to give you more ideas (keeping the prefix):

noise_sphere (if you’re dealing with the 3d usage)

I’ll add more if I think of them

I found a really dumb mistake by me (which explains why it was so slow), I was removing the wrong index from the active sample list! It should say R not P:

if (attempts == max_sample_attempts, dar_remove(#4,R));

Now it’s much faster!

Here is my attempt:

#@cli noise_maxdist : _nb_points[%]>=0
#@cli : Add random noise points to selected image such that added points are set with the maximal possible distance.
#@cli : $$ 300,300 noise_maxdist 1% dilate_circ 5
noise_maxdist : check "$1>=0"
  e[^-1] "Add noise points to image$?, with maximal possible distance."
  v - repeat $! l[$>]
    N={round(${"is_percent $1"}?whd*$1:$1)}
    if $N
      100%,100%,100% +f. inf
      if {d==1} # 2d version
        eval "
          # Init with random point.
          i(#1,round(u([0,0],[w,h]-1))) = 1;
          x = w/2; y = h/2; r = max(w,h);
          const N1 = "$N"-1;
          for (n = 0, n<N1, ++n,
            x0 = max(0,x - r); y0 = max(0,y - r);
            x1 = min(w - 1,x + r); y1 = min(h - 1,y + r);
            ext('+z[^0] ',vtos([x0,y0,x1,y1]),' distance.. 1 min[-2,-1] j[2] .,',vtos([x0,y0]),' rm.');

            # Find local maximum of distance function (faster than doing it globally, and improve randomization).
            xc = round(u(w-1)); yc = round(u(h-1)); r2 = r*2;
            x0 = max(0,xc - r2); y0 = max(0,yc - r2);
            x1 = min(w - 1,xc + r2); y1 = min(h - 1,yc + r2);
            ext('+z[2] ',vtos([x0,y0,x1,y1]));
            s = stats(#-1); x = x0 + s[8]; y = y0 + s[9];
            r = i(#2,x,y); ext('rm.');

            # Put new point on found location.
            i(#1,x,y) = 1;
      else # 3d version
        eval "
          # Init with random point.
          i(#1,round(u([0,0,0],[w,h,d]-1))) = 1;
          x = w/2; y = h/2; z = d/2; r = max(w,h,d);
          const N1 = "$N"-1;
          for (n = 0, n<N1, ++n,
            x0 = max(0,x - r); y0 = max(0,y - r); z0 = max(0,z - r);
            x1 = min(w - 1,x + r); y1 = min(h - 1,y + r); z1 = min(d - 1,z + r);
            ext('+z[^0] ',vtos([x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1]),' distance.. 1 min[-2,-1] j[2] .,',vtos([x0,y0,z0]),' rm.');

            # Find local maximum of distance function (faster than doing it globally, and improve randomization).
            xc = round(u(w-1)); yc = round(u(h-1)); zc = round(u(d-1)); r2 = 2*r;
            x0 = max(0,xc - r2); y0 = max(0,yc - r2); z0 = max(0,zc - r2);
            x1 = min(w - 1,xc + r2); y1 = min(h - 1,yc + r2); z1 = min(d - 1,zc + r2);
            ext('+z[2] ',vtos([x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1]));
            s = stats(#-1); x = x0 + s[8]; y = y0 + s[9]; z = z0 + s[10];
            r = i(#2,x,y,z); ext('rm.');

            # Put new point on found location.
            i(#1,x,y,z) = 1;
      f[0] "init(val = vectors(iM==im?1:iM)); i#1?val:I" k[0]
  endl done v +

works in 2D and 3D (but slow in 3D :slight_smile: ).

Example of use:

$ gmic sp lena,128 noise_maxdist 3%


But I think this is still a bit slow (and I’ve no ideas to speed it up right now).

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Yes, just tested your code, @garagecoder, and it looks like you won the challenge :slight_smile:

Hah good jobs it’s not my algorithm :smiley:
I have several ideas to speed it up as well, so it could be very fast eventually…

That would be really cool to have a clean command at the end, to include into the G’MIC stdlib.
Great work !

I was rooting around in one of the Processing things that I’ve downloaded (GitHub - GlitchCodec/GLIC: Glitch Image Codec) and I found some interesting colour space conversion things in colorspaces.pde for three modes: YPbPr, YCbCr, YDbDr. I think that there’s a potential kernel of an rgb2ycbcr8 command hiding in there. That’ll help across the board and not just with glitch stuff hence why I’m putting it here. Edit: wasn’t looking to reply to GC

Ah I did wonder. I’m relieved as well because for the time being I try and avoid colourspace things.

So far I’ve got some code which spits pure blue images back at me:

ycbcr82rgb :
split_opacity l[0] to_rgb 
f "init(
Y = i0;
Cb = i1;
Cr = i2;);

I don’t know how to make the three variables in the fill block (Y, Cb, Cr) constant, I suspect that’s causing the problem (as I think it would be using channel values which have already been modified) and it would be the same with the reverse command.

Edit: can confirm I’m completely stuck.

Maybe this using vectors (to save looping over all 3 channels):

ycbcr82rgb :
  f "Y=i0;Cb=i1-127.5;Cr=i2-127.5;

You could also use shared buffers and non-math parser commands, or even mix_channels to do the same.

Edit: your example sets 3 variables at the start to the values of the first pixel. Since they won’t change your whole image would get this one pixel!

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