Experiments with G’MIC filters on Pinephone
Since the current Pinephone camera app Megapixels (made by martijnbraam) still produces quite noisy images, there was the idea to post-process the images directly on the Pinephone with G’MIC filters to enhance the quality.
Here is the first attempt:
Install G’MIC filters from terminal:
sudo pacman -S gmic
after installation we need to update to the latest version,
gmic update
or we with executing the gui:
when the gui pops up, make sure “Internet” is selected. Then close the gui again since the filters should be updated.
Next step is to take a picture with the Megapixels app.
Then in terminal cd to the pictures folder:
cd Pictures/
On a Linux machine I tried to figure out the best denoise setting and copied the command to the Pinephone.
This command will process all *.jpg pictures in the folder with the denoise setting:
for i in *.jpg; do echo $i; gmic $i -ms_nlmeans_c_noise2_p 3,1,0,0,0,0,0,10,2,4,2,7,0,0,0,0 -o gmic.processed.$i; done
Here the results:
Maybe someone could help speeding up the task, it seems to use only 1 core and took 3m3.104s to process one .jpg, which is a tiny bit too long
Maybe its a bad approach to post process images on the phone, but I have the slight feeling that proprietary phones even use pre-trained AI libraries to do so as well…
Comments and inspiration welcome…