G'MIC fun with Reptorian

Thank you very much for your immediate reply.
I’ll try to implement it this weekend.

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Did you managed to get it in?

Unfortunately not yet.
I’m stuck getting such great colors as in your photos.
I haven’t tried all the methods available in Gimp but it’s probably something simple (but I don’t know how) - can you help with that?

I think for this case, your best bet is to generate the image with a higher depth than 8-bit, and then to copy images. Use different curves and set the top one to different blending modes to experiment. Then blend them together into one image. Then, it’s just a matter of gradient map.

Better idea, can you give me the script and walkthrough? I will actually have to use GIMP.

Gradient map is probably the option I missed and I haven’t tried it yet in this case (although I often use it).
For those interested: the option to choose the blending mode of 2 layers is as simple as possible using the refreshed Diego Nassetti plugin (55 layer modes in montage :slight_smile: GimpScripts: Look At All Modes. Ver 2.0
I will not share the fixes (and news) yet without a satisfactory solution, because only those interested in this topic know that most of the special effects are based on your G;MIC plugins.
P&M Cosmos is criticized for having too many options, but if I get a result similar to yours, I’ll add it for sure (latest version of P&M Cosmos 1.9 is here: GimpScripts: P&M Cosmos ).

I mixed @prawnsushi Uglify and my own Construction Material Texture.

Before Uglify:

After Uglify:


Nice, it’s almost like the satellite view of a concrete wall :smiley:

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I checked, and you seem to be correct.

I think I’m closer to the solution of finding a realistic concrete texture. The problem is now finding out what exactly in Uglify leads to a more concrete result, and the other problem is removing certain artifacts that don’t show up on concrete. I always wanted a concrete texture generator.

EDIT: I checked. Only works for smaller images. Unfortunately so.

Too bad. The quest continues!
But your filter is already very nice as it is, and it actually reminded me of using embossing when i was making uglify. It actually uses fx_emboss_relief. :wink:

You should use the CLI emboss/relief.

Here are the parameters:

#@cli rep_emboss_relief : int_radius>=4,-360>=_ang>=360,_sigma>0,_scale>0,_output={ 0=emboss | 1=relief },_color_out={ 0=gray | 1=color },_bias>0,_use_cmyka={ 0=non_cmyka_mode | 1=cmyka_mode }
#@cli : Generates effect of embossing onto image via convolution.
#@cli : Default values: '_ang=45','_sigma=.5','_scale=2','_output=1','_bias=128','_color_out=1','_use_cmyka=0'

Thanks, I will change it. Is is faster than the fxversion?

Checking the code, it doesn’t look like there’s much of a overhead in fx_relief_emboss. You can keep it though you have to mind the opacity thing though.

I only suggested because I recommend others to use my CLI version for three reasons:

  1. Less possibility of overhead (Dynamic GUI, _persistent, additional codes that aren’t residing in the CLI version)
  2. They’re not going to be that much prone to changes.
  3. _persistent might be used which could break use in CLI environment or other GUI codes.

Ah thanks, I don’t think I use many community filters in my own, but I do use fx_emboss_relief a lot:

I’ll switch to the cli version but maybe I should write my own simple one?

Most filters prepended with fx are old.

You are welcome to do write one. Who knows, it may replace the former if it is compelling. :wink:

Does it really matter if it works (and works fast)? The wheel doesn’t need to be reinvented every year :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I don’t think it’d go that far though. Plus it would take me 20 years to write it.


Here’s one which I end up making look very sinister:

And here’s a more happy one to balance it out:

Also, bonus:

Plug this in Tupper’s Self Referential Formula in a 106x17 image.


Got this :

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Still on a spree making G’MIC images it seems: