GMIC illustration look outputs in CYMK - why?

Not sure if this should be considered a bug or a feature but of all the GMIC filters I use from a bash script, the illustration look filter results in a file in CYMK colorspace rather than the normal sRGB. I only found out a short time ago because of unexpected color representation on some of my images on Reddit.

I use:
gmic -i $i -fx_illustration_look 0,0,0,0,0 -o $FILE_NO_EXT-illustration.jpg

That’s probably because the output of fx_illustration_look is a RGBA image (4 channels).
4 channels images when saved in .jpg, are considered to be encoded in CMYK, which is not your case here.
Force them to be in RGB before saving, with command to_rgb.


Awesome reply and so fast too! Thanks David, if all in life could be so simple. I inserted the to_rgb just before the output switch and it works flawlessly.

gmic -i $i -fx_illustration_look 0,0,0,0,0 to_rgb -o $FILE_NO_EXT-illustration.jpg

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