Some playful photos of a house wren feeding her hatchlings (fledglings?) behind my house last spring. Both photos are from the same burst, instants apart. The youngster did not clear the landing area. As a professional pilot, this situation strikes a nerve for me, lol
Beautiful capture. It didn’t need many editing steps to get a good image. I once again resorted to the color zones module to tweak the green background for a brightness and saturation than appealed to me. 2024-06-15 105026-1207124.rw2.xmp (12.8 KB)
Here is a second attempt when I concentrated on the slight noise in the green background. I limited my sharpening with the details threshold slider to avoid sharpening noise. I then applied astrophoto denoise to the green portion of the image using a parametric mask based on hue. 2024-06-15 105026-1207124.rw2.xmp (13.8 KB)