Great photos with older kit....and DT 3.0.1

@priort Sir! I humbly protest against your choice of words:
older kit? If my memory is not too rusty, his camera was
released in 2012.

That is just a mere 10 years ago. Hrmpf.

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden
— who is very fond of semi-antique lenses —


M4/3 and Fuji 16MP sensors seem to be really good(at regular iso of course), even with their age… Very tempting to get a “beater” camera with one of them. Second hand with a few scratches must come at some really pleasing prices.

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Now I didn’t say old… :slight_smile: just “older”

This little gadget looks interesting for anyone with a Sony camera and wanting to use old glass with autofocus… I haven’t read any reviews and sometimes these YTer’s upsell things but its looks neat

Since he is stull using DT 3.01 I asked him for some details out of curiosity… his reply…

Tripod is a must and some sharp glass. I’m using the most budget Olympus gear there is lol but the 12-42 R lens is pretty sharp even when compered to the Olympus Pro lenses BUT it has really ugly rendering of lights sources vs the Panasonic 8-18mm and Olympus 12-100mm I had.

The process is pretty easy but I’m on 3.0.1 Linux so an older version. These are my steps, I lived them in my last photo post I think. Repost from the last post

I took 5 2ev shots and I use wide area/matrix metering.

Then merge the 5 images. Now mind you I’m using 3.0.1 on Linux Mint.

Set the exposure usually 2-3 stops Olympus seems to need quite a bit my Nikon D5100 didn’t need anywhere as much exposure.

Tone Mapping

  • contrast compression down to 2 or 3

-special extent 6% or so

  • opacity down to 10-15%

Local Contrast

  • leave detail at default or up to 140%

Shadows and Highlights

  • stock settings but just watch for halos


  • stock settings to get more red/blue in the sky


  • play around with it

Contrast Equilizer

  • luma up the center abit just play around with it

Color Zones

  • Saturation edit by area crank up the red/yellow and sometime blue side to my liking

Then play around with Zone System and Tone Equalizer to bring exposure to some areas that might need it.

Sometimes I get some weird stuff happening on the screen with the image zoomed out especially with street lights. When exporting I use High Quality Resampling and seems to remove those oddities in the exported jpg.

I just tested out Hugin with merging the 5 shots and edited the EXR file and looked decent but there were some weird halos/ghosting in mountain outlines. Hugin does align the images bit Dt doesn’t. There not much you can do with wind like foliage or other moving things.

Todd, would it be possible to get a link for these photos somewhere else and not facebook? not everyone is on fb (I was actually writing “no one should be on fb”).

I’m curious about these photos since I have v.fond memories of my 2 years with olympus m4/3, even now after years of full frame goodness I still have clear in my memory the lightness of the kit (em-10 first, then em-1 mark I with the ultra lifht 25/1.8 and 45/1.8) but most importantly – the results!!

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Well he shared them on FB. I don’t know if its Kosher to repost them here that’s why I did the link… I can ask him if he has an account here and share the link to this thread maybe he will post??

Not sure about these specific photos but you can see his work if you google him you will get flickr instagram and he has his own website… arek halusko

On FB he is very nice and will respond and exchange so you might even be able to reach out and chat a bit about it if you contact him on his website. Seems like you might both share a common passion and experience… :slight_smile:

I’m not on FB either (and don’t like meta in general) but I was able to view the page. Must be public.

Edited to remove long grumble. Sorry! I think it was too early in the morning :pensive:

If it was one of the 4/3 sensors (NOT m4/3) i can understand why you would say ‘older kit’.

But i have a Sony a7 mark2 at home and a Olympus omd em-10 mark1, 16mp m4/3. And i often still prefer to use and walk around with the Olympus :).


thanks Todd. Sorry for the rant on fb, obv not directed to any of you/us!!

I’ve had a look at Arek’s photos on the website – I like them a lot and also refreshing to see somebody not afraid of declaring cc licenses on his photos, as well as using fairly old tech!

@jorismak I also started m4/3 with the panasonic gf1, did my wedding >10 yrs ago then used it to capture a great trip to madagascar with my wife – using only the 17mm f2.8 and an adapted nikon 105mm! then after the d7000 era I went back to olympus and had the em10 and then the em-1, both second-hand, great cameras and soo small and portable!

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I actually have an EM-5 and more recently an early Sony Nex series camera. Both 16MP, but I seem to slightly prefer the output of the Sony. Talking raw of course, I don’t find the Olympus colours as pleasing without more tweaking in dt. I’m not really sure why that is. The Sony doesn’t feel very sturdy though, unlike the Oly which seems very solid.

When my favourite 135mm rolled out of the factory, we hadn’t yet been to the moon.

It’s not the gear that takes the images…
I happily use my older ep1 or em5 to take images…


I guess the photos you are discussing here are the ones I was taking with the EPM2 I bought for really cheap. Yes all my Olympus camera gear was stolen two days after moving to a new city, since I lost my business and went full on broke trying to keep it running because of the prolonged lock downs gonna be some time before I can get anywhere close to what I had for gear.

I did manage to get a use Em1 Mk1 cheap that I’m using for now. I have no brand preference but my Olympus gear has gone through hell and back from dusty and muddy off road trips to being submerged past the lens mount in sea water to freezing weather and full on downpours while trying to keep water drops from the front element lol

I think on the DT FB group most of the photos I posted were from my old em1 mk1 and the em1 mk2 that was stolen.

I do use Tone Mapping on the photos but I have managed to get descent results with out it. I haven’t tried any of the latest DT versions I really have no desire to be learn color science just to do basic photo editing. After a while its stops being photography and starts being digital art as its been so heavily manipulated and people really start getting desensitized, and any landscape photo that doesn’t look like something out of fantasy land is not worth talking about. Seems things are getting more complicated for the sake of being complicated?

Also the images I post on line are CC licensed. Don’t really post large file sizes so not worried about someone using them.


Your photos are amazing I really enjoy them and they resonate with the outdoors which is my happy place…everyone should take a look at your work. Its really really nice and I love not just the end result but the composition and subject matter… Keep at it

This is definitely not true; there are real benefits to the new scene referred workflow. Many of my base curve edits have been drastically improved by filmic rgb’s rendering. The control is more precise and the out put is more predictable and easier to control. Did I have to learn new things? Sure, but I enjoy that.

Glad you have something that works for you though, and sorry to hear about your gear.


Welcome to pixls, and great photos, I had a look at your site back when Todd linked it.

FWIW, from what I’ve seen on this forum, dt users definitely don’t go this way often… I think my landscapes are probably some of the wildest on here actually… see my website if you want proof. :wink:
Most of the newer dt tools are pretty simple once one gets one’s head around them.
But hey, what works is the way to go :+1: :slightly_smiling_face: Actually, maybe I should try an older version - might be enlightnening!

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Thanks, I’m a few months behind uploading new stuff. Will be recreating the site using GeneratePress theme in WP from the current one or switch to Backdrop CMS which is a Drupal 7 fork but WP is so much easier to theme with with out doing CSS overrides and starting to write HTML again lol

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As a Wordpress newby that’s a little over my head. :wink: Sounds good though!

Unless you really need CMS functionality, it might be worthwhile to have a look at a static site generator like Hugo (which was used to create the darktable web site). The performance is so much more snappy, and the content is written in markdown.

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I really don’t want to touch any html or css again lol those days are over, don’t have the patience anymore to make themes from scratch or modify themes and deal with media queries.