green cast when adding image to composite module

I’ve just installed DT 4.8, I’ve used the Enlarge canvas module creating a free space, then I’ve added an image using the Composite module. The added image has a strong green cast. Why?

Hello and welcome!

Some more information and a screenshot would be really useful. Nobody knows exactly what you’re doing.

I’m Just trying the Enlarge canvas and Composite modules.
I’ve opened this image

Then I’ve used the Enlarge Canvas module with Percent right 100%

Then I’ve added the same image dragging from the strip to the Composite module and adjusted the position of the added image.
Everything is OK but the added image has a strong green cast

Maybe check mask opacity settings

Have you dragged the image into its own history stack?? I just wondered…what if you make a duplicate first and drag that in…

The opacity setting works, the image on the right fades decreasing the opacity value, yet the cast remains.
I’ve tried to change the color setting in Enlarge canvas, but the cast is still the same regardless of the color chosen.

Yes, I’ve tried with a duplicate. The only thing that changes is that I get a yellow cast rather than a green cast

I can reproduce. It looks like the white balance is being applied twice. I suggest you start an issue in GitHub please.

The inserted image in Composite is being processed along with the rest of the pipe, but it already has processing on it.

that’s no issue it’s intentional. all modules in following positions of the pixel pipe are applied to the composit. You can move the module to a proper place of the pipe.

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This is the current pipe order


What order would correct the cast?


I’ve tried. The cast simply becomes darker.

This works for me :

  • export the image you want to add in composite module.
  • import this exported image (Add to library …)
  • add this new image in composite module
  • use module order as shown in my previous post

Exporting as jpg there is no cast even without changing the module order.
Shouldn’t it work also with raw images?

In this case it is necessary to use masks to limit the effect of the modules to the respective sub-images.