Green preview and editor image...

I have the same issue… This happens when opening raws edited with 5.6 in 5.8.

This is the file browser in 5.8:

In my case, the problem is that white balance is disabled:

Once I enable it, all is well:


@heckflosse Ingo, do you want me to file an issue?

@bobg Can you provide a raw file to test?

No, 5.6 did not have the enable/disable button for white balance, it was always enabled.
I will see whether I can add a check for old files…

I’ve looked at some old PP3 files; they have these lines:


[White Balance]

I wonder if the Enable line is something you could look for in 5.8.

This is the one in the screenshot.
Note that I have previously processed this exact same CR2 in the old version of RT, without any problems at all. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the version no. of RT that I was using - and that old PC has been scrapped, so I can no longer check.

I already tried the WB on/off button - it doesn’t seem to help me.2012_10_27_0014.CR2 (13.6 MB)

Hm, I wonder if we have different issues, then… they sounded very similar.

I just “processed” this image - this is the WB part of the pp3 file…


[White Balance]

@bobg This was a bug in 5.8 concerning Canon mraw/sraw pseudo-raw files. It’s already fixed in dev. Just use a nightly build and it will work

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I will try to reproduce your issue now…

How do I do that? - I’m just using the Windows10 install file - Should I download the latest version and reinstall…?

Get RawTherapee_dev_5.8-281-gaa389dbca_20200229.exe from here or maybe better wait until tomorrow and get the new one, as there were some performance issues in latest which will be fixed in new one…

OK, I can wait until tomorrow and then get the new version…
Thanks very much for all your help on this.

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Was this using 5.8 release or 5.8 dev build?

It was the file RawTherapee_5.8.exe
From the download page.

I asked @mbs :wink:

I’m using 5.8 release (Arch package).


I’m trying to find more about this issue, and your question reminded me that I tried using 5.8-dev a couple months ago (I wanted to try Capture Sharpening :slight_smile:). (I’ve been so busy these past few months that I’ve done very little photo processing).

Anyway: it seems like the problem only happens when I use 5.8-release to open raw files with a PP3 generated by 5.8-dev.

I just tried using 5.8-release with some older files, which I’m 99% certain I never opened with 5.8-dev, and I don’t see this problem.

Good to know :+1:. I won’t try to reproduce then

Sorry… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I installed RawTherapee_dev_5.8-300-gf4da00158_20200302.exe
and I now have correct thumbnails and editor images! :white_check_mark:
(I had to delete all of the old pp3 files)
Thanks again Ingo.