…I know I’ll see some amazing results from all of you.
I caught this on the way home today.
You know when you’re traveling and you see something and think: “I’ll get that the next time I’m through this way…”? Well, I’ve done that far too many times lately and decided to find the quickest pull off on the highway, geared up, and then hiked back briskly to get set up to take a few frames of this scene.
Edited in dt 4.4.2, most adjustments done with tone eq, contrast eq, and colour balance module.
I struggled again to get this framing. I had to crop the result to get what I want. Is there a way to achieve that in darktable without cheating? Why is the framing line size not an absolute value in pixel but is correlating with the boarder size?
I may have completely misunderstood what your question is but…
have you tried clicking on “aspect” in the crop tool and selecting an aspect ratio that suits your vision? If none of the preset aspect ratios work you could use the “freehand” option. That way you would not need to use the “margin” part of the crop tool.
Thanks for trying to help. You are right I should have described my problem more detailed.
I want to have a frame just on the top and the bottom of the picture. This works, if you just have simple border. At that moment, when you want to have a frame line, this frame line is always all around the picture and I haven’t found a solution how to do it within the development.
So my solution is to open the resulting jpeg in darktable again and then crop it on the sides.
Just compare my xmp with the posted result. If you load the xmp you will see the white frame line is surrounding the picture.
OK I now understand what you are after. I played around for a while and couldn’t get things to work the way you wanted until I changed the aspect ratio in the framing tool to match the aspect ratio in the crop tool. Then I THINK I was able to do what you wanted fairly easily but DT locked up and I had to force quit. This was with DT 4.8.1 - what version are you using?
I will play around again later and try to get the result you are looking for - if I have any luck I will let you know.