Has anyone used the Calibrite ColorChecker Display Pro on linux and displaycal-py3?

I already have a Xrite i1 display pro device, I am trying to gather information about this new model called calibrite Color Checker Display pro which replaces the i1 display pro. The older device works with displaycal on linux X11. I am going to gift this device to someone using linux so I wanted to know if someone has used it or has any experience with this.

The displaycal py3 project is new so I am a bit doubtful about device capabilities. Also pinging @eoyilmaz just in case they know anything about support for this device.

Sorry if this post in the wrong category I do not know where this belongs.

It’s exactly the same, just a new name.

Yes it seems exactly the same. But I thought it would be good to confirm before making the decision to buy :slight_smile:

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