I am having a hard time trying to get rid of this hair over the subjects eye without it looking horrible.
Any thoughts?
Sorry it took so long, I needed to go to sleep before I went to work. I must be explaining myself incorrectly. I am a photographer and I use gimp as my primary editing software. This photo is for a 2x3 foot banner. My biggest concern is the hair on the forehead over the eye. I have tried to make it look less intrusive, but to no benefit. Again this is for a banner for a high caliber athlete. This is the young lady that hit the grand slam home run this year that helped her senior league world series softball team win the world title. (Ky-Li Alonzo)
I am sorry, I can not see the hair that is bothering you. Also if you upload the image people could attempt to fix it and share how they achieved the solution. I presume you need to use the clone tool or the healing tool.
The initial post did not have a photo for some reason. I did edit it before you finished typing. It is there now. I have been using Gimp for years for my Portraits and Sports photography, but this photo is a pain.
I don’t see the original picture file, but I copied the displayed image and opened in GIMP. I still do not see any hair covering the subjects eyes. Or are you just concerned about the couple of stray strands of hair?
Is this the sort of thing you wished to achieve? Done in GIMP just using the clone and healing tools.
I also took the liberty of making adjustments to brightness and contrast in the eyes. (I don’t get much practice playing with portraits!)
By making a selection of the part of the hair you wish to keep, suitably feathered, and then inverting it, you can protect it while you remove the other part. If I had more practice on portraits I am sure I could do a better job. Of course, the higher resolution of the original the easier it is.
Actually its a great job for the wavelets in the retouch module…you should be able to remove it easily in one or two of the fine scales and leave the rest of the image intact. the old blog for release of version 2.6 has a nice worked example of facial hair and skin on a subject…
I went to wavelets and tried it, but I was unable. I will try again. It is easy to get rid of a single hair but then they are multiple layers thick they drive me crazy. I should have been a better photographer and looked at it immediately instead of giving my pad to the girls to look at the photos as I was shooting (I use Nikon SnapBridge to download a low res copy to my tablet as I am shooting)
My first quick try was using wavelets - fine for removing the odd individual hair - but not where there is a substantial amount. The wavelet plug-in however is something I could not do without!
This is a single fibre across the eye so I think it should not be hard… as for plugins you must be talking gimp…I’m talking strictly DT… I should have made that clear as this post is tagged for GIMP… my error… I know GIMP has wavelet too… I have never tried that approach…