Where/where is this bad rap? I have puzzled over recent references to the bad rap of linear gamma ICC profiles and so far haven’t been able to figure out what anyone might be referring to.
It’s not the CRT display that led us down the bad path, leastways not for ICC profile color management. The problem was that we started editing digital images back when computers were not capable of processing high bit depth images in real time, or even at all. So we edited 8-bit images, which need to be encoded using a more or less perceptually uniform TRC, even when using ICC profile color management. The only other alternative was severely posterized shadows.
It wasn’t ACES or OCIO that made linear gamma image editing starting with scene-referred files possible. It was fast processors and more RAM.
The benefits of editing linearly encoded images are entirely 100% independent of whether one uses OCIO or ICC profile color management, and people including myself were editing scene-referred/“scene linear” image files in linear gamma ICC profile color spaces before ACES or OCIO started being widely discussed on the internet as the movie industry increasingly switched over to digital.
Go look at this tutorial over on the Krita website:
Pay attention to these sentences:
- It is easier to keep saturated non-muddy colors in a linear space.
- The high bit depth makes it easier to get smoother color mixes.
- Filters are more powerful a give nicer results in this space. It is far more easy to get nice blurring and bokeh results.
- Simple Blending Modes like Multiply or Addition are suddenly black magic. This is because Scene-Linear is the closest you can get to the physical(as in, physics, not material) model of color where multiplying colors with one another is one of the main ways to calculate the effect of light.
- Combining painting with other image results such as photography and physically based rendering is much easier as they too work in such a type of colorspace. So you could use such images as reference with little qualms, or make textures that play nice with such a renderer.
Now what specific item or items in the above sentences does anyone think might be specific to using OCIO instead of ICC? Take it apart, sentence by sentence, claim by claim.
I think @Carmelo_DrRaw has asked some interesting questions, but an informed discussion requires a bit more than relying on various people’s interpretations of what Troy has said about this and that. At the very least, it would be good to be familiar with the ACES primer and the specific list included in the primer of the problems ACES was actually designed to solve.
Here’s my assessment of what ACES has to offer Elle Stone as a photographer:
I’m not making movies. I’m not combining input from multiple cameras. I’m not sending footage out to be processed by different companies and then incorporating the various outputs into a master project.
I don’t have any concerns for saving edits on one image to use on the next image. Some people do, I just don’t. I don’t even care if I can save the history of edits on any given image because the next time I edit that image, I’ll be doing something different.
I do have concerns about archiving information and I avoid clipping until final output for display. But that’s what raw files and unbounded channel data and wider gamut ICC profiles are for.
I do have concerns about prepping (soft proofing) an image for display on various devices. But I absolutely do not need anyone to give me a “one size fits all” LUT to get from a suitable large gamut RGB working space to a given printer or even to sRGB. I actually enjoy soft proofing.
What’s your assessment? What benefit to you as a photographer would an ACES or ACES-like workflow bring?
Please note the above question of “What benefits would an ACES workflow bring to your workflow” is quite apart from any specific editing algorithm such as CDL-style color correction or filmic tone-mapping. Which by the way the PhotoFlow filmic module just rocks, and it was coded directly from the original filmic equations which contrary to what some people might inadvertently assume weren’t written by Troy. Troy wrote an implementation just as @Carmelo_DrRaw did, but the PhotoFlow filmic implementation is better imho.