HDR landscapes (Darktable) Olympus Em1

In the Shadow and highlights module set the soften option to bilateral filter and the halos usually disappear. BTW, you have inspired me to look more at the HDR option in DT. I liked the train and the sunset below that image the most. They were all good. Well done.

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Thanks will test it out. I upgraded Mint so will be 3.8.1 now instead of 3.0.1

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I started using dt in 3.8 as it’s what there was when I found it - pretty good!.. FWIW, in my opinion, if you went all the way (not suggesting you should) to the current 4.2.1 you wouldn’t (I think) find yourself forced into anything new if you didn’t want it - the new defaults can be turned off pretty much with the pixel workflow settings on ‘none’.
But having said that, why upgrade if what you have does all youneed? I don’t know an answer to that really… :thinking: Even though I usually seem to end up on a recent “beta” build…

I always upgraded as wanted new features then they went crazy with the colour since and workflows and seems to be way more complex than it need to be so I stayed with the 3.0.1 version.

Here’s todays edit with 3.8.1 using Olympus Live Composite There’s some issues with the left side just at the top of the mountain as that side was much brighter from the sun. I exposed for the sky but that corner was still overexposed.


Ooohh… lovely

I can relate to that - I’ve stuck almost entirely with using sigmoid, instead of filmic or base curve, since it came out (in 4.2.1 IIRC), and feel it’s the perfect compromise… but again, that’s just me.

Have to say once more, I love that shot - I’ve had a dream of doing one with light trails on a highway near me (well, sorta near… only 50km…) for ages but never get round to it. My EM5ii would be perfect with that live exposure feature. Never really used it!

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I’ve been meaning to use more of the Live Composite but just haven’t had time last year but will be doing more this year.

Looks like I’m going to have to do some reading on the new features, just smashing buttons and moving sliders to see the effects doesn’t seem as easy now lol

I got more live composite images here Urbanscape Photography - AREK HALUSKO


Maybe… I’ve settled a while ago on a small handful of modules that do almost everything. Then a few more that just get switched on or used when needed.
But I have done quite a lot of reading, now I come to think of it… :face_with_peeking_eye:

There is the Play Raw category as well, where you can post a raw and people will edit it and share their sidecar file.

TBH the scene referred workflow is different, but now I use fewer modules, edit with greater speed and feel like I have better control than I ever did with any of the display referred tools.

I’d love to have a crack at editing one of your shots, they’re quite lovely.


+1 :slightly_smiling_face:

I agree with Steven’s comment that the newer DT will have all the old features that you like, but will include some nice new ones. I feel the noise reduction has improved a lot and there are some nice sharpening presets in the new diffuse or sharpen module that work better than the old sharpen module (at least in my opinion).

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Again a very nice one :smiley:

I have been thrown off balance when the new workflow came since I was so used to the old one … but still decided to go with the flow. But sure it was a real break in continuity.

The HDR Merge LUA script is what I use. It can also align, so this is an advantage for situations where the tripod is not 100% stable.

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OMG, this is what I have been looking for because that was the one great feature I still use in Adobe’s Lightroom. Could you please direct me to the LUA script? Is it in the list already installed with 4.2.1 or do I need to import it?


Yes, it is in the “Scripts” section once you have LUA script manager enabled. it’s been a while since I installed it, but I think you need to to give it the path to the HDRMerge executable the first time the script is launched. After it is installed, you just select the pictures you want to be merged in lighttable and run the script.

I am on windows DT V4.3 and I can not see the Lua script manager, yet at home on my Linux desktop I can find the Lua script manager. Any ideas what I am doing wrong. My searches in the forum , online and in the user manual have just left me confused.

There is a preference that might be set not to show it. Don’t remember what that is off the top of my head. You’ll also need git installed and on your system path, which is the default on Linux and a pain on windows.

I feel this is the problem. I have installed git on my work computer but I presume the path is wrong.

Hi Terry, might this help?

Darktable Lua Script Manager - Software / darktable - discuss.pixls.us

Thanks for the advice. I will follow up on this when at work with my Windows computer and I also have a Windows computer at home to check it out on. Script manager worked on my previous windows computer without having to play around, but sadly that computer suffered a terminal illness and I replaced it a couple of weeks ago. In the meantime I discovered how much I liked my linux desktop which had been just collecting dust.

I opened up my new Windows laptop with DT 4.3 weekly build installed and lua scripts installer is already available. I just have to install the scripts. Hopefully this will go smoothly.