HDRMerge vs Create HDR

DT 3.2.1 on Manjaro

I have a whole bunch of 7 bracketed images. I have tried both HDRMerge and “Create HDR” for the hdr dng files.

The DNG files are different. When I process them I get very similar output but different processing.

Which is the recommended way?


My experience is that I get different results with the same processing. I haven’t tried to adjust the processing, but I feel that HDRMerge preserves the colors better.

For the first the DNG is generated by HDRMerge the second is from dt.

I prefer HDRMerge. (I don’t use dt and haven’t read up on what Create HDR does behind the scenes.)

HDR merge does image alignment. I’ve found that even on a tripod, you should still align your images, else some times you’ll get fringing.

HDR Merge for the win.

