Head in the Clouds [PlayRaw too]

I have two Canon cameras with the same filename scheme. To prevent filename collisions from the cameras producing the same filenames on the same day, I have Filmulator append a base 62 portion of a hash of the file contents when importing to ensure that this never happens.

It wasn’t necessary on this trip since I only brought one camera, but I leave it on just in case.

Anti-vignette, Ektachrome film simulation, wavelet chroma, final local contrast, more red in the white balance in Rawtherapee.

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Worth framing! First increased the fogginess using RT and then selectively sharpened the foreground rock in GIMP.
IMG_3370_uvnVyWP.jpg.out.pp3 (11.8 KB)


My first attempt on this great shot, thanks @CarVac for sharing it!

My editing steps in a nutshell:

  • cloudy WB preset
  • a bit of shadow recovery with the shadows/highlights module
  • gamma adjustment to bring up the mid-tones
  • increased saturation
  • gave a slight yellow tint to the brightest highlights
  • several local curves to emphasise the light and darken the image borders
  • unsharp mask to finish

All done with PhotoFlow in Lab colorspace:

IMG_3370_uvnVyWP-phf.jpg.pfi (56.9 KB)


Very nice image, congrats

RawTherapee .pp3
IMG_3370_uvnVyWP.jpg.out.pp3 (12.1 KB)

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Rawtherapee 5.1 & GIMP 2.8.22

Same RT processing as my previous attempt but different GIMP processing to give it an enchanted forest look.


Here is my try.

Edit: Darktable only
IMG_3370_uvnVyWP.CR2.xmp (6.2 KB)


Very lovely image! I did some color toning and “corrections” in DT then took it into GIMP to accentuate the light.

XMP: IMG_3370_uvnVyWP.CR2.xmp (6.8 KB)


I love this image. Almost anything can be done on it, it always looks great!

In RT: IMG_3370_uvnVyWP.CR2.pp3 (10.1 KB)


Darktable only

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My work using Darktable


Participants in play raw are highly encouraged to share the XMP, PP3, or other metadata/settings file used to obtain the output! :slight_smile:

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Done :slight_smile:


Raw dcraw: 2 outputs (raw, interpolated)
Play G’MIC: Mask (midtones), Blend (2 gammas), Smoothing (guided by raw), etc.
· Imagemagick: Color morphing (GIF; for @heckflosse :stuck_out_tongue:)


We tend to have fond memories of our outdoor adventures, whether or not we had a good time during the trip, due to the presence of family and friends and being away from home just long enough not to miss it. Our visual memory is also romanticized: the scene is sharp, vibrant, pleasing, inviting and engaging. Our JPEGs and RAWs may disappoint us: What is wrong with this camera! That isn’t how I remembered it! Must PlayRaw! With this in mind, I have made a GIF representing what the camera sees vs what we want the memories to be. Head in the Clouds indeed. —@afre


@afre: Is the dark one just linear gamma reinterpreted as sRGB?

Sorry—it is not quite raw; interpolated with the -4 option, but since resizing the raw would remove the bayer pattern anyway, I figured it would be okay to debayer and provide a hint of color. If you think it would be better with the raw or if I changed the description, I could do that. Hope you like the effect. I tend to try different things with each PlayRaw, using them as a learning experience.

Here my try developed with darktable. @CarVac really nice image!

IMG_3370_uvnVyWP_01.CR2.xmp (7.4 KB)


for me, the best one is…

the original !!!

Just took the wunder spot 4 nother spin :gorilla: I challenged myself to achieve bigger a separation ( MC and also definition) among the elements while trying to preserve the qualities of light with an overall faded ( end of the trip) feel. Bad news is didn’t use FOSS =( Some luminosity masks with blending modes, gaussian fairy farts, grain tears and me own portra scratching did the trick, no dodge and burn nor localized gradients of any sort (except for the slightlyest tiny vignettttte). Cheers