* Hello * Save My Settings * Presets * Inbuilt Preset *

*** Hello! **

**Glad to see you in this thread. **

**Let’s discuss Structuring Presets, share our experience. **

**1. For all new open Snapshots. **

- Let’s say I uploaded a new set of images and I want to apply Crop 4:3 in mid and color reproduction to all of them, let the sliders I need be in the quick access panel.

- What about White Balance…

At this point I have already experimented and do not know where these settings are stored, how to delete them… Interested in Folder. So that I can change the Collection of files depending on the task, you can even manually before starting DT.

**2. For Presets, Permanent for the module. And Preset settings saved by the creators of DT. **

- Where they are located and what methods you have for structuring them.

**- Any information would be appreciated. **

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

I’m not sure to understand this at all! Looks like you’ve not read the dt manual and you are trying hard to do something that dt is not designed for.

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Welcome to the forum. I feel you need to invest some time looking at the manual. I have it bookmarked in my browser because it is such an important resource. The sections on styles and presets may answer many of your questions. Also read the section on white balance and the color calibration modules.

Here is a screen shot of some of the styles I have created within DT for my own use. You can create your own and they will be stored away by DT.






Are you asking the following?

  • how to apply specific adjustments (like a 4:3 crop and color adjustments) to a new set of images as soon as they are imported → you can apply a style manually (select the images first). It is also possible via a script, but let’s stick with the basics at first. → darktable user manual - styles
  • how to add sliders to the the quick access paneldarktable user manual - quick access panel
  • the location of white balance settings → the built-in ones you cannot change; otherwise, you can create white balance presets (for the white balance module or the color calibration module) just like for anything else.
  • where presets are stored → in darktable’s database. You can export them to files → darktable user manual - presets
  • how to create and manage presetsdarktable user manual - presets, darktable user manual - presets


Nice Shortcuts in Darktable

Hello! That’s right!

Any presset is saved as a file. If I press @Crop4:3@ every time why don’t I put it as an automatically added module… Without clicking on the Image Style.
Next Day I only do Square Cropping for All photos and add a specific Color Scheme to them. And so on for a Month.

I want to save the files
of the first order of business on the computer and the second order of business.

And add them to the folder from which DarkTable takes ready presets. ( Keyword * Folder * Not pressing Style * )


I can’t find the Folder.


I made not only Styles as you showed, but also presets for modules and hotkeys and shortcuts.

Check out the video link above.
If you are interested.

Thank you!

If you mean the folder where the database is stored: you really don’t need to find the folder, there’s nothing you should directly modify there.

But if you insist:
Windows: C:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\darktable
data.db and library.db are sqlite databases.
On Linux and Mac:

You should not mess with those, really.

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the most obvious reason: you simply don’t know, how to do this in darktable. that’s something you can learn by try and error over a very long time - or simply read the manual: darktable user manual - presets


Here’s a video you might find interesting

You can also classify your styles by folder. The method is to insert the “|” character between the folder name and the style name.
For example, “Crop | 4:3” or “Crop | 1:1”.
You will get a folder named “Crop” containing two styles: “4:3” and “1:1”.

Greetings from the Luberon (France)


I understand!
You’re close. I’d like to swap files around depending on my work style.

For example
Customized the whole process, start opening modules with certain presets, key combinations, shortcuts, Skin, Font size.

  • So to speak Profile

Copied this file to another location on my computer and replaced it when I needed it in the DT Root folder.

If you know what I mean… I don’t care what the file is called or what resolution it has. I just want to copy it.



Great Video…

Is this the place you’re talking about?

Thank you!

You can customize the gui via css and shortcuts via shortcutsrc - but further customization needs lua scripting or the darktable data.db library.
for inspiration using lua see: GitHub - UliGesing/Darktable-Initial-Workflow-Module: This script extends darktable. It offers a new "inital workflow" module both in lighttable and darkroom view. It can be used to do some configuration for an initial image workflow.

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giving credit where credit is due : New Landscape-focused Darktable Channel

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I have it on good authority that guy barely knows what he’s talking about :wink:


I checked… It works… Method to Theme.
Thank you!

I will study this topic.
Thanks for the Information!

What a Warming place… What a community.
You’ve been complemented there, there’s timings above, you asked about groups.